Mist Blinding Truth

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Chapter 23

The battle raged around Percy as teeth met claws and blood mixed with venom splattered across the forrest floor. Attacks were vicious, ferocious beast fighting like cornered animals, kill or be killed. Claws would scrape across the iron white skin, drawing venom out in a slow drool while fangs bit and tore. It all happed at once, everyone was locked in battle, some with two verses one. As soon as the other vampires had left the cage the early victory the Cullens and Wolves were feeling left in the blink of an eye.

The other vampires were simply faster, stronger, and more numerous for the combined forces of the Cullens and wolves. Everyone was locked in battle, everyone but Percy.

As if he had the plague all the vampires avoided him, they must have been under strict orders from the top. The top being Tantalus, who now stalked towards him in smooth steps that looked as he was gliding across the forrest floor.

Percy reached into his pocket and grabbed riptide, springing it into full length as he got into a battle ready stance.

"Your not what they say you are. Your not some great hero." Tantalus taunted. "If you were so great, you wouldn't have been to so many funerals. No, you let them all down, simply stepping over dead bodies and climbing the mountain of their sacrifices to reach the top."

"Your wrong, they knew the possibility of death was high when they went into battle. They knew it and they accepted it. Don't you dare undermine their sacrifice!"

Percy dug his foot into the ground and leapt forward into action, pointing the tip of his sword at the misty body of Tantalus. He stabbed through him, forgetting for a moment that his enemy was, in fact, a ghost. In the heat of his emotions, in the revelry of his words he had rushed, falling for Tantaluses trap yet again.

He stumbled through the steaming body, tumbling to the ground on the other side. Dirt and leaves slid underneath as he rolled over top. Wiping a bit of dirt from his face Percy stood with wary confidence, looking for any sign of weakness from the ghost in front of him.

"You, with all your strength, can do nothing when you have no where to put it." Tantalus laughed, the sound echoing over the clashing and growls of the battle around.

Tantalus was right. Percy hated to admit it but he was right. With all his power, he still couldn't hit the ghost, and nothing he did at the moment would change that. He would have to wait for the right opportunity, and when it came he couldn't miss. He then changed his perspective on the battle, if he couldn't fight the ghost then who could he help.

He could try to run to Bella, but he wasn't fast enough on his own and by the time he got back there'd be nothing to get back to. They were loosing the battle, if somehow, someway, Percy could change the outcome of this one he would do it.

And that's when he saw it, the mist.

He had already used it to sense the monsters coming but hadn't really made the connection that he could use the water to win the battle. Technically he could push all the water together and make tentacles, using those to wrap around the vampires and trap them suspended in air. But with one reach out with his powers he knew there wasn't enough mist in the air for it. There were to many vampires and to little water to succeed in that plan, so Percy threw it out his brain and instead going for a different approach.

At the moment the enemy was winning because they were simply faster and stronger. Their physical dominance took over skill as they could make up for mistakes with pure athletic ability. If he could use the mist like a gooey mesh he might be able to slow the vampires movement down to at least normal speed. The problem was that he couldn't slow it down for everyone, only the enemy, and for that he needed intense concrete concentration.

But why not try.

Percy closed his eyes and felt all around him, each individual molecule of water was a part of his will. Searching deep within the core of his power he felt that strange crystal ball he had cracked so long ago when in the depths of Tartarus. The smooth shiny surface was clear, and a burning hot blue flame licked against the glass from the inside. As he reached out with his power to the cool mist around his body the flame flared hotter. The blue light was blinding and for a moment Percy thought it might melt the glass surrounding it. But it didn't, and his power held.

With muscled clenched in fierce determination Percy felt the pull in his gut as he took control of the mist in the surrounding area. His teeth clenched together and his breathing grew ragged as he let loose a low growl. He forced the mist surrounding each of the enemy vampires to slow their movements down.

It was as if the vampires were moving through water, all of a sudden, their speed returned to that of a normal vampire, and their advantage was lost. Individual vampires looked around in confusion for a moment, staring down at their bodies in shock, as if their own strength had failed them. But it wasn't for long because soon they were locked in battle again. Viciously biting with teeth, yet more wary on defense now as each little mistake was made obvious and easy for counter-attack.

"All your doing is slowing them down." Tantalus said. Yet there was an anger in his voice, an unsettled tone that knocked away his confident persona. "You can't keep it up forever, you'll fail eventually, and when you do... you'll all die."

"I don't have to do it forever." Percy growled as stars began to dance in front of his eyes.

"Your right, you won't have to do it a second longer." Tantaluses body solidified in front of him, but in Percy's fierce concentration he hardly noticed.

The ghost reared his arm back and with the solid force of a battering ram he punched Percy's gut, causing him to loose the concentration he so desperately needed to hold onto the power. Doubling over in pain and clutching his gut with both hands Percy tried with gasping breaths to gain air back into his lungs.

And just like that, the advantage was lost, Tantalus taking the ghost form once again.

Sorry its so short, I have more written (not a lot, I've been busy), but it would be a stupid place to stop. This wasn't meant to be the end of the chapter, but I needed something to upload for you guys so I cut it short and here we are.


Thanks for reading.


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