Cross Your Fingers

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Hopefully you've listened to the song by now, next chapter is when it comes into play.

Check out all the hidden meanings at the bottom of the chapter.

Please Review! I only have a couple of more scenes to write! (Just finishing the scenes before the climax)

Follow and Fav :)


Chapter 11

The sun was finally starting to set over the arena, Percy and Leah had been practicing all day. The air had turned brisk and cold as the heat from the sun faded away with the hours. The shadows from the walls of the Colosseum stretched across the floor making it dark in the battle zone. Percy's body was dripping with sweat, and when he looked across at Leah, he could see that she was too. Leah was scary good with her sword (she hadn't beaten him yet, but she had gotten very, very close) she learned quickly and enthusiastically, the perfect student. They had just finished their final spar of the day with Percy barely winning because of a lucky turn of events.

"Well skewer that ghost in no time." Leah said as she started walking to the exit with Percy, she had a few minor cuts and bruises but nothing bad, and with her special wolf powers, apparently she healed a lot faster than normal people. All Percy needed was some nectar and ambrosia and he would be good as new.

"Tantalus won't stand a chance." Percy smiled at the thought.

Leah brows scrunched together. "But how do we hit him?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, he's a ghost, won't our blade go right through him?" Leah asked.

Percy thought about it for a second, he had fought some ghost before, but they had never been this powerful, maybe they wouldn't be able to hit him. Percy shuddered, how could they hope to win with an enemy they couldn't touch?

"We'll just have to try." Percy said. "Cross your fingers."

Leah narrowed her eyes. "There's got to be a better way. Maybe research first? Something?"

A thought struck Percy, "I know what we'll do." He had the perfect way to get the information, it was so obvious.

"Research?" Leah raised her eyebrow.

"No, we'll just ask Nico. Come on, he'll probably be at the bonfire."

Percy and Leah walked down the dirt road that led to the pavilion, already they could see the large fire in the center, it's flames shooting up into the sky as the people began to gather around. Suddenly Percy was scared, the last time he had been here was for Annabeth's funeral, that horrible horrible day. He was frightened at the overwhelming emotions that suffocated him.

Percy's body stiffened and his breathing became louder, he was hardly aware of anything or anyone around him. He felt the darkness of his memories pulling him in, making him feel the urge to run, to sprint away into the ocean, his safe haven, to get away from here, why did he come back so soon? He knew he couldn't do it, couldn't survive the overload of feelings surrounding him. He tried to focus on simple things, his feet, one step after another, just move forward, past the deep pool of blackness behind him. But the farther forward he moved the darker it got, the deeper the ocean surrounded him, space without the stars. The freezing dull dusk surrounded his entire body like water, but this was a water Percy couldn't control, this water controlled him. Suffocated him. He looked around frantically, trying to find the light, trying to find his savior, nothing was there.

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