Underwater World

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Chapter 14

Leah woke up to see the white underbelly of a massive great white shark slowly swimming above her. It's razor sharp teeth just a few feet away from her head. She tried to push up and move away. Pressing her hands into the soft sand beneath her she shoved herself backwards, slowly drifting through the currents of the ocean.

Suddenly, something held her back, an arm wrapped firmly around her waist was keeping her from moving away.

"Percy?" Leah looked over to see the body of her imprint. His wavy black hair hung suspended in the water. Moving in whatever way the ocean seemed to want to take it. His eyes were closed as he relaxed in his sleep, his face calm and peaceful.

"One more minute." Percy hummed before pulling closer to Leah's body.

She leaned into him further, welcoming his embrace. Not wanting to ruin the moment. Leah's heart felt like it was overwhelmed with love for this boy in front of her. She didn't think that the wolves she'd met who had imprints felt like this. She and Percy had something different, something new and amazing. Part of his very essence had gone into her body, and it seemed like the part in her wanted to connect back to the part in Percy. It added a whole new level of need to Leah's love.

She wrapped her arm closest to Percy around him, trying to get as close as possible, yet not seeming to be able to get close enough. She leaned her head on his shoulder, into the crevice in his neck.

Leah looked at the amazing scenery around her. They lay in the middle of a beautiful coral reef, like a clearing in the woods, they were in a clearing of sand surrounded by the underwater ecosystem. A rainbow of different colored coral grew on the dark black rocks that surrounded their bodies. Fish of every size, shape, and color swam among the many crevices and holes that littered the area. Leah watched a crab with a shell that seemed to have a little bit of red coral growing on the back of it scurry across the sand. It stopped next to her head, looking at her for a second, before moving its fast little legs to the other side. The larger fish swam in the ocean above unable to fit into the space between the rocks.

She looked up to see the sun shimmering, it's light shining down into the depths where she and Percy lay.

"Leah?!" Percy said surprised, quickly jumping out of her embrace in shock. His mesmerizing sea green eyes scanned over her body, checking for any sign of injury before jumping back onto her. Wrapping his strong arms around her body he pulled her close, his face was inches from hers. His eyes, the window to the soul were full of one thing, adoration. Her face heated up, a bright pink blush flushed her cheeks. He leaned even closer, centimeters away.

To far.

Leah closed the tiny distance. Her lips locked onto his, they melded perfectly together. The spark from his lips lit a burning hot fire that raced through her body, it was a good heat. It filled her with its warmth, it's passion. Nothing else mattered except his body against hers, nothing mattered but each other.

After what seemed like forever, but not long enough, they finally pulled away.

They looked into each other's eyes, both blushing furiously.

"I'm ok." Leah answered before Percy could ask it. She was more than ok, she felt great. He looked relieved at her answer, pulling her in tighter in his embrace.

"I thought you died." Percy whispered, his voice was shaky with emotion.

"You can't get rid of me that easily you know."

Percy laughed, the sound was music to her ears.

He pulled away from the hug and spread his arms around him in a grand gesture. Gesturing to the world of life around them. "Well, what do you think? Who would have thought that this little town would lay off the coast of Forks. Their nice people too, respectful fish."

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