A New Beginning

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Chapter 4

Charlie was sitting at the World Boat Docks watching the cruise ship his nephew was on come to a halt in front of him. It was a bright and sunny day, unusual for where he lived, and the heat bore down on him like a bowl of hot magma was being draped over his body. Sweat trickled down his face running into the police uniform that he always wore, his arms were turning a light shade of shell-pink as they grew sunburned in the hot sun. The wood bench he was sitting on was cracked and dry from the sun soaking up all its moisture. The bench had that ocean feel to it, slightly salty and filled with holes, kind of like driftwood would look after being dried up on the shores of a hot beach.

The boat came to a stop in front of him. Time to go see my nephew for the first time. Hopefully a change in scenery will be nice for him, Paul said he'd been through a lot so maybe this will be just what he needs. Charlie looked at the photo on his phone of the boy, Percy was his name. He studied the photo so he would know who to look for when Percy came off of the boat. In the photo his nephew looked so happy, black windswept hair covered his head, he had a deep tan and a trouble maker smile that made him look kind of like a gangster. He looked tall, probably about 6ft and his eyes, they were a beautifully dazzling deep sea green.

Charlie looked up from his phone, people were starting to get off of the large white cruise ship. They were walking down a narrow wooden plank with rope railings down the sides that connected the docks to the large boat. There were little lines on the thin board that jutted out of the main wood by about an inch, they were there to help people not slip down the smooth slope, you could use the rungs as a stopper for your feet so you wouldn't slide.

If he squinted his eyes Charlie could just make out the faces of the people coming off the ship. He saw lots of family's with young children, smiles on their faces as they came off the cruise that was their vacation. Then someone else came down, he was a tall man with a dark stormy grey jacket on and a hood over his head. He couldn't make out the face of the man but the build of the body looked familiar.

Suddenly the hooded man turned his head strait at him, layers of black growing deeper as it reached farther into the hood so you couldn't see his face. The man reached his hand into the air, to wave at him, Charlie thought, and he soon realized that it was his nephew, he put his hand into the air to wave back.

His nephew turned his head back to the thin wooden walkway and took his first step, but as he did so his foot caught on one of the rungs sticking out of the walkway. His nephew went down, he tried falling into the railing to try and help him keep his balance but, unfortunately for him, he was too tall. The rope railing only managed to aid him in his decent sending him tumbling over the railing into the raging ocean below.

Charlie saw a flash of black hair and heard a quick yelp as his nephew fell into the large harbor with a loud splash. He rushed forward to the railing leaning over the edge only to see that Percy was already climbing up the ladder on the side of the wall coming up to meet him. Now that Percy's hood had fallen off his head Charlie could get a clear view of what he looked like. He was much the same in his looks as he was in the picture, the only difference, was his eyes. The Percy that was climbing up the ladder in front of him was not the same Percy in the picture. This Percy had a dead look to him, like his lifeline had been stripped away from him and now the only thing holding him together was his spirit of survival. Looking into those eyes Charlie himself couldn't stop from feeling dreary. It was like Percy had an aura of desolation around him, yet he still held his body with a false confidence, like he was never going to give up, no matter what happened to him. Here was a man that had lost everything, yet still persisted on.

Percy made it to the top of the ladder and Charlie held his hand out to help him. As he grabbed Percy's hand he made a greeting.

"Nice to meet you Percy. I'm your Uncle Charlie." Charlie introduced himself.

"Erm, sorry bout the fall back there, I, uhh, tripped."

Charlie chuckled "Well, are you ready to go and see your new home for the next few months?"

"Yah, I really am." Percy replied with a small smile.

"Then let's get going." Charlie finished, he was eager to learn more about his nephew and what made him so depressed but he didn't want to push it, he would have to earn Percy's trust first.

Before opening the door to his car he couldn't help but notice that Percy already looked dry.

But thats impossible.

A trick of the light.

"It's hot out." Percy opened the door on his side of the car.


"I dried off quickly, because it's hot out."

Of course, a trick of the light, the sun.


The car ride home was quiet and they soon passed the sign that said, Welcome to Forks. Charlie took in the familiar scene around him, lush green plants surrounded them at every corner, the sky turned it's usual grey, the kind that looked like it might rain any second but hadn't yet, waiting for the right moment. He looked over at Percy sitting in the police cruiser next to him, his nephew had stared out the window the entire car ride to forks, seemingly lost in his mind.

"Hey Percy, are you alright, you seem somewhat deep in thought over there." Charlie had never been a great conversationalist and usually ended up skipping the side conversation liking to go strait to the point.

Percy sighed. "Yah, I'm just angry at myself. Have you ever had something happen to you that made you question how good of a person you truly are? Like, you almost made the wrong decision, and you might have, under different circumstances, even if you know that it is wrong?"

Charlie was surprised at Percy's rather abruptness. "Well, yah Percy, I can't believe I'm telling this to my nephew that I just met an hour ago but... when my wife left me, it broke me." He took a deep breath. "I've never told anyone this but when it happened, when she left me, it made me insecure. I began questioning myself, I told myself that I wasn't good enough, that I wasn't a good person, all because some girl left me. I tried to stay strong but I could never really get those thoughts out of my head, it started to tear me apart, so much that I began to wonder if I was worthy of even having simple things, like my job. What if the only reason they hired me was because they felt bad for me. All these, what if's, kept swirling around my head making me question my every move, and honestly, it was hard." Charlie finished speaking and turned to look at Percy.

Percy scrunched his brows looking even deeper in thought (if it was even possible) before turning to look at him another question on the brim of his tongue. "How'd you get through it? How'd you get out of that hole?"

Charlie stared strait at the road ahead, thinking into the past. "I began to realize something. I kept thinking to myself and came to this conclusion." Charlie continued. "A mans worst enemy is himself." Charlie was lost in his own head now. "And when I took that into account, I looked at the other people around me, and I saw that it was true, no one else thought that I wasn't good enough, no one else thought poorly of me, no one, only me. I was my own worst enemy. After that, well, I started to get better. I started to understand that maybe I wasn't a screw up, that maybe, maybe I wasn't such a bad guy after all." When Charlie finished he looked back over at Percy who was sitting deep into his chair, staring intensely into the road ahead.

"Does that answer your question Percy?" Charlie asked.

"Yeah, I think it does." Percy answered softly.

"Well good." Charlie said. "Because we've made it home and your cousin Bella is frantically eager to meet you."

Well, he's made it to spoons, I mean Forks Washington.

I have 5 tests this week so... didn't really write any new chapters, (good thing im so far ahead).

The Twilight characters may be OOC cause i haven't read twilight in forever.

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