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Chapter 24

To heck with Tantalus, if he couldn't hit him, then he would just do something else.

Turning, Percy wielded his sword, ignored the ghost completely and instead helped the nearest wolf in battle, changing it from a 2 on 1 into a 2 on 2. The vampire avoided the slash of Percy's blade, jumping back and away from the razor sharp sides.

It's eyes narrowed onto Percy's neck, hunger growing as it seemed to forget the previous order from Tantalus to stay away. Moving in a slight blur the vampire reached its arm out, trying to grab onto his shoulder. But from countless battles and experience he was ready, sword moving in a preemptive strike to meet the hand on its way.

His sword barely nicked the pale skin of the vampire before it changed direction away from Riptide. Jumping away it hissed and grabbed its arm in pain, franticly trying to stop the slow bleeding of venom that slipped though its fingers. But the hunger in its eyes ensured that it was not deterred from capturing its prey. If anything he had only made it angrier.

It sprang forward to Percy's right side causing the involuntary reaction of his body to move in defense. Yet the move was a fake and as soon as Riptide was on its way cutting through empty misty air the Vampire dodged to the left. It closed the distance quick as lightning, upon him in a moment and Percy stumbled back in surprise. He tripped backwards over some unseen tree root buried beneath the darkly colored dead leaves. The flat ground fell to sky as Percy's back thumped against the crumpling leaves and hard earth, staring up at the branches and mist overhead.

The vampires right fist swept across the blank white, black tree lined canvas of the sky with a sswisshh as it met nothing in its path. It had taken a step forward in its drive to pack a serious punch and now it had tripped over the very same root Percy had fallen backwards on. It tumbled forward falling quickly. He barely had enough time to raise his sword up in defense, tip pointed at the dreary sky, when the monster impaled itself on the glowing celestial bronze.

It's chest slid down the shaft of the blade, quick and sudden, just like death. A twinkle went out in its crystal red eyes, they became dull and lost as emotion turned into nothing. No surprise, shock, pain or anger as one might expect. It had simply... died, become meaningless in the grand scheme of the world.

Percy rolled to his side, the ground coming into his line of sight as it ran vertically like a cliffs edge, jagged and rough with roots and dirt and leaves and bodies. With a grunt and exertion of force he pushed the limp and cold body off himself. He slid his sword out of its chest, shimmying backward away from the venom the hissed out where there was now a very prominent hole.


Immediately at the sound of Leah's voice Percy bounded upright, looking for any sign of danger. She was in a standoff with the vampire in front of her, not in wolf form but rather using her sword, Midnight, instead. But the worry she carried in her voice wasn't concern for herself, she was frantically motioning with her head to another direction as best she could with battle imminent.

"It's Seth!" She called.

Following her head movements to the right Percy saw the bleeding fur coat of Seth as he was locked in between a vampire and a tree. His dark grey fur was matted with wet and dried blood, skin hung off the side of his shoulder and a thin string of red saliva drooled out of the corner of his mouth. When he growled like a cornered animal his teeth could be seen dyed a blood red and the tree behind him had blood red marks on it. Presumably he had been thrown into the tree like a rag doll and was now cornered against it as he prepared to make his final stand.

Percy gripped the leather wrapped handle of Riptide in one hand and ran across the battle field to Seths defense.

He slowed down as soon as he was upon them, sneaking up on the vampire from behind. He softly pressed each of his feet into the dead leaves, moving on his toes to land on less surface area with each step.

He held Riptide in his left hand and reached around his body over his right shoulder, blade pointed backwards held in a swinging position.

Seths snout was pointed at the ground, head held down in exhaustion. Yet his nostrils still flared in anger and his eyes held an animalistic nature to them, he would not back down. He would die before he surrendered.

Percy tried to make eye contact with Seth in the most subtle way possible so as to not alert the vampire to his presence. Seth glanced at him in a brief moment of recognition before narrowing his eyes back onto his enemy.

The vampires was inhumanly still, as if she was carved from marble and had stood in that very spot for centuries. Her long black hair fell down her back and over her shoulders to the front of her body. She was not crouched or athletic looking in any way, yet she held herself with a rigid confidence, like the leader in a battle.

Percy was within eight feet of the vampire, any closer and she would surly notice. From this point he planned to spring forward, and possibly catch the vampire in surprise.

But. Just before he jumped, it cocked its head to the right side, a slow methodical movement that looked as if was made by a well oiled robot.

"Still standing?" Her voice was sweet with deep undertones that gave her an air of pristine condescension over Seth, as if she were better than him in any and every way. "Your either strong, or just plain stupid. But I'm beginning to think it's the later."

Percy took her conversation as the perfect moment to spring forward, her own voice would muffle the sounds of her death. He reared his arm back as far as possible, building up the torque in his hips and core to give the strongest blow he could.

And that's when the vampire shimmered out of existence. Her skin and hair and clothes all changed colors like a chameleon and blended into the ground and sky and trees and battle till it was as if she wasn't even there at all.

In his surprise Percy may have swung early, or maybe he had swung at the right time but the vampire had moved out of the way. Either way wielded the same result, him hitting nothing but empty air.

Oops, Its been a while hasn't it. My Bad. I really got no excuses. Anyway, don't worry about me not finishing this story, because i definitely will. Like, no question I'll finish this eventually.

Anyway, Its not a super long chapter, and I would have made it longer. But i felt like I needed to remind you all that I'm still alive. Its hard to find good stopping places in the middle of fight scenes.


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