Shiny Crystals Almost Kill Me

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Well, here's chapter 7! Thank you for all who reviewed on the last chapter for my school project, You guys helped fix some grammar errors. :)


Chapter 7

"Are you suicidal?" Leah was starring down at her imprint pinned beneath her.

"No, I'm Percy Jackson." The man said as he opened his eyes. Every time she saw his eyes she was filled with wonder, they were a beautiful sea green that seemed to swirl with the power of the ocean behind them. He had a messy mop of black hair on his head that looked windswept, as if he had just taken a walk on the beach. He smelled like the ocean, and he had a lopsided trouble make smile on his face that made her heart melt. A smile tugged at the corner of her mouth, she was unable to hide it.

Though she didn't necessarily want to get off of him, he felt good in her arms, she got up, extending her hand to help Percy, Percy, what a nice name. Percy grabbed her hand and hauled himself to his feet, still staring at her. He seemed to realize after a moment that he was still holding her hand, quickly letting go, blood came into his cheeks as he looked away.

"Nice to meet you, Percy, I'm Leah, Leah Clearwater." She said matter o factly.

He seemed to smile at her name before turning to look at her. "Well, it's nice to meet you Leah Clearwater."

"You too, Percy Jackson." Leah said.

"I'm sorry for erm, almost jumping off this cliff." Percy said awkwardly. "I uhh, wasn't in any danger though, I've jumped from like, quadruple this height before."

Leah was pretty sure a jump from quadruple this height would definitely kill someone but she didn't say that. "If you want to go cliff jumping there's a better cliff to do it, this one's dangerous because there's sharp rocks at the bottom, the cliff over there is the one I usually jump from." Leah said while pointing to the other cliff.

"Oh, yah, that would be dangerous, rocks and I don't go well together, we tend to have our disagreements when it comes to my health." Percy said as if he was thinking of something in the past.

Leah could help the small laugh that came from her mouth, it surprised her, she haven't laughed in years, ever since Sam had left her. "Wanna go over to the other cliff, then I can show you how to properly kill yourself." Leah said sarcastically.

"Oh your on, I haven't almost died in about... five days, it's been too long." Percy said. The strange thing though, was that it seemed like Percy was deadly serious. Was he suicidal? No, he didn't look the type. When Leah looked back at Percy he had already started running to the other cliff in the distance, he seemed to be flying as he ran with almost super human strength, dang he was fast. It would take all of Leah's speed to catch up to him.

Leah raced forward, running like the wind to catch up to her imprint. She cut through the trees, ignoring the bushes and trees that slapped their cold branches against her skin like tiny whips. The moon above gave the forrest a soft white glow, almost like a dream.

Finally, they made it to the cliff where they could jump off without injuring themselves, Leah had used all of her strength and speed but somehow she still hadn't been able to catch up with Percy. She slowed to a stop at the edge of the cliff, moving to stand next to him as he stared into the raging sea below.

"I've always loved the ocean." Leah said. "It's strange, it's like I've always had some sort of connection to it." Percy looked at her in surprise. His hand was brushing against hers. The cold night wind was blowing into their faces.

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