Dad Jokes

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Chapter 6

The moonlight glittered into Percy's room giving everything a faint white glow. He wasn't sure what time it was, only that it was really late at night. He had been startled awake, woken up by that nightmare about the strange voice on the cruise ship. This time, when he woke up, he decided to do something about it. There was a large piece of paper in the corner of the room next to his new bed. Percy grabbed it and with the memory still fresh in his mind started to write the names of every villain that he had ever met, trying to place the voice. It was a long list, he thought of the voice, he knew he had heard it before, but he just couldn't think of where. Percy looked out his window at the large full moon glowing in its bright aurora as it shone through the night sky. Frank probably would have turned into a wolf and howled at it, pretending to be a werwolf. The thought made him smile.


There was a noise coming from Bella's room, it almost sounded like struggling but it soon morphed into talking. Quick as a fox Percy grabbed his pen from his pocket and turned it into Riptide, it's soft bronze glow fighting with the moons shine in the room. He crept out of the space making sure he was quiet as he made his way to Bella's door. When he was almost a foot away from the room he stepped on a squeaky floorboard. Percy froze, his element of surprise was surly gone by now as the noise in the room had been made quiet. He slowly opened the door just a crack as it made a loud creaking noise. He put his eye into the sliver of space and looked into the room, everything looked normal to him but one could never be too sure. Percy capped Riptide but kept his sword ready as he opened the door and stepped into Bella's room.

When he swept his eyes across the room the only thing he could see was Bella sitting alert in her bed staring intensely at him.

Percy was embarrassed now, he had just barged into his cousins room in the privacy of her own home without knocking. "I'm sorry, I heard voices and I-I I'm sorry."

Bella's gaze softened. "It's ok, I just like to talk to myself sometimes at night, and you just didn't know that. Umm, thanks for making sure I was ok though."

"Yah, erm, no problem, I'll just go now." Percy said as he closed the door and left the room. But on his way back he was almost certain he heard a male voice coming from the other room saying sarcastically, I didn't know you talk to yourself with a short laugh after. Thinking that he was just tired Percy went into his room and quickly fell asleep.

The next few days went by quickly for Percy, with no school there really wasn't much to do, he had left the house a few times to go to the store, but other than that... he hadn't done anything. The voice had not come back yet, the one from Bella's room and the one from the cruise ship. He was still no closer to finding out who it belonged to than before. He didn't leave his room much, there wasn't much reason to leave his room in the first place. He suspected that Bella was a little mad at him for not trying to go out and make friends but he wasn't sure until today.

"We're leaving now." Bella said. The sun was just setting over the horizon, the last of its warmth leaving, it was strange to see no clouds in the sky, he had gotten used to seeing them there.

"Where to?" Percy asked.

"We're going down to La Push, they are having a bonfire over there and I think it will be good for you, maybe you can make some friends." Bella stated. "When I lost the man I love, I went there and it helped me, maybe it will help you too."

Percy gave in. "Alright, when do we leave."


The ride to La Push was quiet, lush green trees and bushes flew past them as they made their way to the reservation in Bella's old truck. It kind of reminded him of camp half-blood, with the forrest always surrounding you, who knows what was lurking in those shadows, another empousai ready to bite killing another innocent victim, or maybe nothing prowled in the shadows, maybe it was just a normal forest. Like that would ever happen.

Soon the road came to an end and the old beat up truck sputtered and came to a stop. Percy stepped out, feeling the hard earth under his feet, sharp rocks threatened to poke through his shoes unable to break the rubber soles.

In the short distance was a bonfire, the huge fire was much like the one at camp half-blood, flames flying up into the night sky. The warm light felt good on Percy's skin against the harsh cold air from the darkness behind him. Shadows flickered behind the people sitting around the fire, long and black. There was an old man telling a story to little children sitting around him while the adults watched from there seats. Everyone looked happy, they were all sitting around laughing, eating, playing, all except one. She scowled at the campfire, looking like wanted to hit it. Which Percy was pretty sure, wasn't a good idea.

"Jacob!" Bella yelled to the group as we walked up. The boy who he assumed was Jacob turned his head. "I brought my cousin here today. Like I said I would."

Jacob turned his head around glancing Percy over. "Nice to meet you man, my names Jacob."

Suddenly the girl from before looked up at him and their eyes locked, everything else in the world melted away. A warm hot feeling traveled up and down his entire being. His heart surged with love and joy and the desire to go and be with her. Lava hot steel cables wrapped around his body, connecting him to her. The girl looked at him shock, surprise written in her face and Percy new that she felt the same thing he did.

The girl opened her mouth to speak while everyone else because quiet around the campfire.

"Who are you?"

Percy knew that if he opened his mouth to speak, he would never leave. He took one last look at the beautiful girl before him. Her long, dark brown hair fell down her shoulders in a slight wave. She had a sharp jaw line and an athletic body. Her warm forrest brown eyes melted him right to his soul, her skin was an alluring copper color, and she had a face that would make anyone smile. He couldn't stop the corners of his mouth from twitching up before he turned away and ran into the woods behind him.

Now that he was away from the beautiful girl at the campfire he could really think clearly. Percy was mad at himself, how had he felt for someone with the same force of love that he felt for Annabeth. It felt like he was betraying her. The woods rushed past him as he made his way, cutting and turning so as to not run into anything. Soon, he felt a familiar tugging in his gut, not nearly as strong as the bond he felt with that girl from earlier but he knew what it was. It was his longing for the ocean, it was nearby. Percy turned to the sensation and ran with all his might trying to get there. His safe haven, a place where no one else could go.

He was soon there. The edge of a cliff overlooked the vast sea below him. The moon shone over the cold water below. Well, only one way down I guess Percy thought as he prepared to jump into the sea. He started running forward till he felt those same steel cables from before pulling him back, he kept running now, trying to ignore the strong pull in his heart, but he never made it to the cliff. Right before he was about to jump a body warm body slammed into him, knocking him off his feet.

"Are you suicidal?" A stunningly smooth and warm voice asked him in alarm. Percy caught his breath, the hot embrace of the girl was on top of him and he had a feeling about who it was. He opened his eyes, meeting the soft brown ones staring back at him. They were full of worry and wonder, as if they had seen the sun or the stars for the first time.

And then he said something probably considered to be stupid. Blame the dad jokes he had heard from Paul.

"No, I'm Percy Jackson."

Gotta love the dad jokes.

I haven't written anything new for this story in a week because I have to write a story for School, it's called I Would Not Join Them and it is probably the best thing I have ever written, I'll probably post it at the bottom here when I finish so I can get some feedback before I turn it in.



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