Hunters and Prey

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Longest Chapter yet! 5000 words of peace, sort of. One last chapter of easy going, fluff, before we start the climax. This chapter is meant to be very light hearted until the very end.

Happy Reading!

Chapter 21

The soft touch of warm morning light coaxed Percy awake. It streamed in from the window and lit the walls alive with its bright glory. He slowly pushed the heavy covers off his body and swept his feet to the side of the bed, sitting up in the process. Walking across the soft carpet to the closet he quickly got dressed, though his hair was still a mess. He could faintly hear the clanks and clacks of pots and pans being moved in the kitchen below. The smell of burned eggs wafted up from the stairs, traveling through the hallway all the way to his room at the end.

Percy would just have cereal. There was no way anyone would get him to eat Charlie's food again. Once was enough, how that man lived off of burnt or undercooked everything was still a mystery to him.

Percy called out a greeting as he caught sight of the old man while coming down the stairs. Charlie already had his uniform on and looked just about ready to go. A dirty plate was sideways in the kitchen sink, smudges of food covered it's face as if it was modern art.

"Hey Percy, what are you doing here? I thought you had left for home." Charlie said in surprise before covering his balding brown hair with his police officers cap.

"I still have some unfinished business here."

"That's good. Did Bella let you in last night? She must have— I didn't hear you come in at all." Charlie rambled. He began moving things around with his hands, searching with his eyes for some unknown lost object. "Well, whatever it is you still have to do I suggest you do it quickly. Perfect day out." He pointed to the window as if to show Percy what he said was true before returning to his search. "Now, I may just be superstitious but we hardly ever get sun in this dreary little town. It might mean there's going to be a big storm on the horizon, winters coming soon. If you stay for too long you may just be stuck here for longer than you think."

"I'll keep that in mind."

"Aha! My keys!" Charlie exclaimed while holding it up as if he had a trophy instead. "I've got to go now, work never rests you know." He walked to the door but paused right before he could fit his hand around the handle. "I'm glad to see your finally happy again. I suggest you do whatever it takes to protect the thing that makes you that way."

With a slight smile and a tip of the hat which caught the rays of morning light on its golden metal police badge Charlie had opened the door to the outside and was off to work.



With a bright cheerful red rose in his hand Percy walked up the front steps of Leah's house. The neatly trimmed lawn on either side of the grey concrete path and colorful kaleidoscope of flowers in the garden smiled lazily at him, as if they knew that this basking in the sun wasn't going to last for long. The white wood boards of the home stretched sideways in neat soldier rows. Only being cut off when a window was in the way, much like the open window on the second story.

His plan had been to ask Leah on a nice date, before you know... everything crazy. But now that he was standing on the front porch of her house, he suddenly realized he had never met her parents. He had talked briefly with her mother on the phone, but that was the extent of it and for some reason, he really wanted them to like him. Not that it really mattered of course, but, what if—

What if he married her one day. Gods what was he thinking. That's way to far in the future. But you know what they say, you marry a family, he could be meeting his future mother in—

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