Red Eyes

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Almost forgot to update, lol. Finals are over so I can start writing again.

I've only gotten 2 reviews for the last 2 chapters. :( Lets get that number up.

Anyway, enjoy!

Chapter 17

"It wasn't locked?" Percy asked, shocked that the door had opened as if it had just been well oiled.

"It was." Edward faced the darkness, his dark gold eyes scanning the shadows. He stepped forward into the darkness of the black room. The red shine from the stop light spilled in to the space like water.

Percy realized he still had Edwards phone, turning it on, he used the flashlight to sweep the white glow slowly back and forth across the space. Following Edward he stepped out of the rain and into the cold shadows, Leah was right behind him.

The walls were painted white, an old, yellow stained white that was cracking and flacking. Furniture was scattered throughout the room, he shined the light on an overturned couch. For some reason it was flipped upside down, moving closer he could see scratch marks in the cushion. Deep gorges that left the cotton on the inside spewing out like a waterfall frozen in time.

Turning the flashlight to a table in the corner Percy saw a lamp, it's bulb shattered and the glass shards spread out on the floor.

Home Sweet Home.

They walked further into the house, each room was the same broken thing, some worse than others.


Drip.. Drip.

A sound like water slowly falling out of a faucet was coming in from the dark room next to them. The shadows crept around the light, reaching for the people inside its glow. Trying to grab hold of their fears to make them... reality.



Percy stepped into the room first, you could only see so much with a flashlight and it seemed as if the darkness was everywhere. He shone the white beam around the interior, looking for the source of the noise.

A bright shine momentarily glinted back at him, the reflection of light off of a faucet head. They were in a kitchen. He looked at the spout, but he could feel no water in the space.




The silent sound of death, coming from the dark, the sound of scraping monsters shuffling in the night. The sound of a tear dropping, alone on its path to the ground.


Percy turned the light away from the sink and swept it around the room. The light caught in a puddle on the ground,

a red puddle.

Drip. Drip.

He followed the trail of scarlet life with his light, slowly following the river to a fridge. He watched as a rose teardrop fell from the handle to the ground.


"Blood." Edward moved forward in slow steps to the fridge. He put his hand on the door, grabbing where the blood was being spilt. The dark red juice flowed out from under where his pale skin touched the stained handle.


Opening the door the room was flooded with hospital light. Blood fell out in plastic bags.

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