Red Like the Wolf

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Lets get started

Chapter 25

Percy found himself staring at the spot that the female vampire had just disappeared to in disbelief. Of course he had known that vampires had different sorts of powers, Edward had told him as much, but seeing it happen in person was a completely different matter. Edward had said that the vampire powers seemed to amplify whatever main human attribute a person had when they were still... well, human. She must have been really really good at hide-and-go seek.

A thumping pain in his side jolted him out of his stupor, knocking him off balance and almost to the ground. It felt like a foot, but it was impossible to tell. She could have hit harder, she was toying with him.

"Nice try." The voice almost hissed. "But to hit me you'll have to be able to see me."

Percy swung wildly in the direction of the sound of the voice. Surprisingly, Riptide faltered in its motion about half way through the swing before continuing through the mist. An minuscule green line appeared in the empty space that riptide had faltered through and a similar poison green color dripped off the tip of Percy's sword.

"Huh, would you look at that. I guess I won't have to see you after all." Percy looked at his gleaming golden bronze sword in approval.

The voice didn't answer.

"You think I scared her off Seth?" Percy glanced at the panting wolf to his side.

He didn't answer either.

"Where do you think that crazy lady went anyway." Percy looked around at the desperate situation surrounding them. The loosing battle, they were slowly getting pushed back deeper and deeper into the forest, fighting on the back foot.

Tantalus had his eyes closed and continuously whispered something under his breath. An incantation of some sort and it seemed to be making the mist thicker, which would be stupid because that would only help Percy. But when he reached out with his power, there was no more water than before, and yet the world turned a shade whiter and the air thicker as if made more humid. The white was slowly filming over his vision.

He could be trying to obstruct our vision even further, blind us. Percy thought.

If that was the case then they had to finish the battle quickly, or someone had to stop him from from completing whatever he was doing before it was too late. As it was it worked slowly, unnoticeable, he had only noticed because of his control over water.

He turned back to look at Seth, glancing over his body for a moment to check for signs of mortal injury. He didn't see any wound that would kill him, at least not at the moment, but the eerie feeling of death wouldn't leave no matter how hard Percy concentrated and told himself Seth was fine. No matter how many times he looked with his eyes and saw the truth his gut just wouldn't believe it.

He blinked, trying to make sure of the scene.

Something was different when he opened his eyes, wasn't that twig a little to the left?

Immediately on his toes, sword ready, Percy looked through the deep white haze for the invisible vampire. How was he supposed to do that? An invisible vampire, in already foggy vision. He might as well close his eyes.

There. A footprint half in dirt and half in leaves at least 12 feet behind and to the right of Seth.

"I see you." Percy called out stupidly, ruining his surprise.

He didn't see another footprint so he assumed that the vampire had stopped, frozen in the shock of being caught, where he had seen her.

"She's over your right shoulder Seth, get ready."

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