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Sorry this is a short chapter. (It just happened that way, don't worry though, some of the future chapters are 3k words ect.)

Also it kinda shifts perspecives a bit, lets just say that its omnipresent. Also, decided to instead of searching for Annabeths killer, the mystery will evolve on the way. Trust me though, the story works better this way.

Chapter 2

"Mom. I'm home" Percy said in a monotone. His broken eyes looked through the small apartment before finally locking eyes with his Mom. Sally couldn't stand to see the face of her "dead" son. He needed help, and she new it. But, the hero of Olympus didn't want to admit that.

Percy walked over to his spot on the couch. The place where he tended to be periodically throughout the day. There was a little dent in the cushion from over use.

"I just baked some blue cookies. Would you like some?"

Percy didn't move from where he sat. "Sure Mom, that sounds great."

Sally went into the small kitchen and grabbed her freshly baked cookies putting them in front of Percy with a sad smile. "Thanks Mom." Percy said. But he didn't make a reach to eat any, he had other things on his mind.

Paul walked in from the other room. At the sight of a depressed Percy he visibly grew sad himself. It was like Percy just had that affect on people, his energy was contagious, or lack there of. His son-in-law used to be so bright! Full of life and love! But now, he was broken. Both parents were at a loss as to what to do with Percy, both just wanted the best for him. They had come up with a plan yesterday but only wanted to use it as a last resort. Paul had a cousin who lived in Forks, Washington, and when he heard about the situation with Percy, had offered to help out. He had a daughter who had gone through something similar not to long ago and thought she might be able to help.

"Hey Percy" Paul said playfully. "I'm going to eat all the cookies first!" Paul raced forward to grab one of the cookies hoping to spark something, anything, in those lifeless eyes.

Percy didn't move. He just sat there staring at the black TV screen, lost in thought. That was it, Paul thought, I'm not going to let my son-in-law, no, my son to mope around any longer, I need to see him happy again. It was time for the last resort.

With a quick nod to Sally Paul sat on the opposite side of Percy, looking over at his son he began his speach. "Percy." Paul said in a serious tone. "Look at me" Slowly, Percy turned his shattered eyes over to look at Paul, seeming to only now realize that Paul was there.

"Oh, hey Paul." Percy sighed. It broke Paul's heart to see that Percy haven't even registered he was there. This settled the resolve in Paul's brain and he knew what he had to do.

"Percy." Paul said firmly. "This has to stop. I can't stand to see you like this anymore! It pains me to watch you mope around everyday, unknowing of anything happening to you."

Paul spoke softly now. "Look, me and your mom have been talking, and we thought it would be best for you to get a change of scenery. Here in New York your surrounded by to many things that remind you of her, it makes it impossible for you to get over it. I have a cousin, his name is Charlie, and he lives in a small town in Washington. Sally and I only wanted this to be a last resort but now we both think that it's time. We want you to go live with him, just for a little while, to see if it helps. He also mentioned that he has a has a daughter who went through something similar not to long ago. Percy, all we want is to see you happy again, a smile on your face, and your eyes full of life again. Please just try this, if you don't feel better in a little while. Well, then you can come home. But please just try, for us, for your friends, for Annabeth." Paul stopped talking and looked at Percy trying to see his reaction.

"I-I think... that that's a good idea" Percy stuttered, surprising himself as well as Paul.

"Really!?" Paul was stunned in shock, he didn't think it would actually work. He quickly corrected himself. "I-I mean of course! I'll call Charlie right away! You can leave in a couple of days."

"Yah... a change in scenery might be nice." Percy whispered before getting up and leaving for his room.

Paul quickly called his cousin and telling him that Percy had accepted his offer. He would leave for Forks, Washington in three days and would make it to Forks on the fifth day. He would be going by boat, (planes are a big no no) catching a ride with a cruise line heading over to Washington. Paul looked down the hall to the dim light coming from Percy's room and recognized a strange feeling in his heart that he hadn't felt in a long time, it was hope.

Thanks for sticking with me!

I know Percy is a little dead right now, but thats on purpose.

Hope you like the story :)

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