Happy Birthday

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Chapter 5

When Percy walked inside his new home (for the next few months) the view surprised him. A teenager about a year younger than him was just finishing setting up some decorations that said Happy Birthday, except the happy birthday part had been crossed out and replaced with the words Welcome Home. The teenager whom he assumed was his cousin, Bella, from what his uncle Charlie had told him was looking embarrassed at having been caught putting up decorations, her face turning a deep shade of rosy pink as she looked up from her work. She had a pale complexion with long, strait, dark brown hair and a slight widows peak giving her face a heart shape. Her eyes were a nice chocolate brown color and they were staring right at Percy in surprise.

"Uhh, they didn't have any signs in the store that said, 'Welcome Home Cousin That I've Never Met Before', so I had to improvise." The young woman said.

Percy stared awkwardly at her. "Erm, it's the thought that counts?"

"Wow Bella! Your not usually one to make such a big deal of things." Charlie said.

"Yah... well Alice made me do it, and you know how she gets when something doesn't go her way." The young woman whom Percy knew now (for sure) to be his cousin Bella was still staring him down.

"Well" Charlie said. "I suppose I'll let you two get to know each other" and with those final words Charlie left the room and went out of sight.

"Well... What were you doing here before putting up these decorations?" Percy rubbed the back of his neck with his hand awkwardly.

"I was reading." Bella stiffened as if she'd just been caught doing something bad. "It was a vampire romance." Bella quickly blushed and looked away, clearly embarrassed at having been caught reading the book.

"That's cool." Percy said awkwardly. "I hate vampires. They are the one monster the I dislike the most. I despise them." Bella was looking at him angrily as if he had just said something that personally offended her.


He quickly changed his mind. "But, you know, vampire books are cool and it's just my opinion that I hate vampires."

"Why?" It was more a statement than a question.

"Why what?" Percy asked.

"Why do you hate vampires." Bella said.

A vampire was the monster that killed Annabeth. But he couldn't exactly say that out loud so he settled for, "They suck human blood, why wouldn't I hate them, they kill people."

Bella was deep in thought as if wondering if wether or not to say something. "What if... what if the vampire were to only drink animal blood. What if they didn't kill humans."

What an odd question. He thought about it for a moment, choosing his words carefully. "Well, I suppose that they would be better than normal vampires, but, it would still be there nature to drink blood. Maybe I would be ok with it, maybe not, but they would have to earn my trust first."

Bella seemed satisfied with his response, but she still seemed to be holding something back. "Well, should we go and get your room situated?"

"Sure, let's go." Percy grabbed his bags and headed upstairs to the guest room which was across from Bella's room and set them inside.

Turns out, with Bella's help, they managed to make the room seem like Percy lived there all his life within 15 minutes. Or maybe it was the fact that he only had like, one suitcase and a backpack, not really much to work with.

Bella had a photo in her hand, the light from the ceiling shone on the picture so he couldn't see who the photo was of. But he could guess. "Who's this?" Bella asked showing the picture to him so that he could see it better.

The photo was of Annabeth, they were laughing on the beach not a care in the world. Bella saw his expression and put the photo down. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have been looking at your pictures." Bella really did look sorry, it was as if she understood what it was like to loose someone you love, like she had dealt with the pain that he felt now before. It made him wonder what happened with his cousin in the past. Whatever it was, it made Percy feel ok to talk about Annabeth.

"No no, it's ok, that was my girlfriend Annabeth." Just saying the name Annabeth out loud left a feeling of sorrow deep in Percy's chest. It was like a getting repeatedly stabbed in the heart with a rusty blade. "I had known her since I was twelve and we did everything together. We got together when I turned 16 and were together till she died last year."

Bella looked at Percy, understanding and empathy in her eyes. "How did she die?"

Again, Percy still couldn't exactly say that she was killed by a empousai so he settled for the "I don't want to talk about it" Excuse. Bella was about to say something else but was cut off short when Charlie called them downstairs for dinner.

"Uh oh" Bella looked worried that Charlie had made dinner and it made Percy wonder if anyone could possibly be that bad of a cook.

Sorry it's so short, I promise that the chapters in the future are longer, the one after the next one is 5k words.

The introduction to Forks, we'll meet Leah soon. For some reason on my end it says that the chapters aren't loading, but I got a review and it was from one of the chapters that apparently wasn't loading.

So if you could let me know in the comments that you can see this it would be very helpful. That way I know that everyone can see it.

Not my fav chapter, but it'll get better, I promise.

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