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Chapter 18

(Warning Violence)

When Percy opened his eyes again he was in the backseat of Edwards silver Volvo. The sun was just coming up, it's warmth reaching through the window and spreading over him in a warming, heavy hug. The soft black leather seat was creased from his sleeping body pressed against it. Edward was in the front seat, hands on the steering wheel and foot on the petal as he drove down the freeway. Leah was in the seat next to him, eyes closed as she slept in peace, her breath moving in and out evenly.

The city of Seattle was on the distant horizon, visible through the back window. A hazy mist covered the bottoms of the buildings, but the tops poked through. The highest points of each building stretching up, past the square end of concrete or metal, in thin metal poles, like needles.

The road continued to thick grey clouds that covered Forks, still hours away. The trees were covered in a thin layer of moss, the brown of the trunks barely visible. A deer with white spots and large brown eyes jumped over grass and sideways laying trees. It thin legs carried it back and forth between branches, but it's speed was not as fast as the cars and soon it was lost to the woods.

"We buried the girl." Edward spoke softly from the front seat, eyes still on the road. "Took her body to the woods and dug a grave. We didn't know her name so we wrote, to all the missing, on the stone."

"What of the vampires."

"Burned, the only way to truly kill a vampire, but those swords of yours did good work against them." Edward turned his head away from the road, looking back at Percy. His eyes were still glowing, but only slightly now, and he could find no hunger in their gaze.

"What happened last night?" Percy was thinking of when Edward answered the questions in his head.

"I can read minds." Edward turned back to the road. "But yours, yours is different."

Read minds? Is that how he always knew what he was thinking in the fight last night? But then why was he so surprised when he found out I was a demigod.

"How am I not normal?" Percy asked.

"I think it was something to do with you being half-god. I can only get little snippets of information, like a broken radio." Edward tapped his fingers on the steering wheel. "Maybe your godly side can't be read, but your human side can. But as soon as I drank your blood I could hear you clearly."

Percy shuddered involuntarily. "Can all vampires read minds?"

"No, each of us has a different power, like our human attributes get amplified when we're turned." He smiled, fangs like tiny knives barely visible from Percy's angle. "I think you should meet my family, we'll have dinner together."

"Right, dinner." Percy shifted nervously in his seat. Dinner wasn't a problem, the problem was what they would be eating.

"Not you." Edward must have read his mind. "I already called Esme, she'll make human food. We have to discuss where we go from here. If some... powerful vampires were to find out about you... it wouldn't be good. You wouldn't like the type of meal they would invite you to."

"Ok, I'll go."

"The only problem is, Leah can't go." Edward spoke firmly.

"What? Why not?"

"Alice can see the future, but not with a wolf there, we need to play it safe."

"By asking me to eat dinner with a bunch of vampires who thirst for my blood?" Percy asked incredulously.

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