City of Lights

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Chapter 16

Percy's pocket was heavy, a weight that felt like he was holding the sky above his head all over again. It dragged him down, making the steps to his cousins house feel long and hard. He had held this weight since Leah had looked up at the sun, when they were still on the ocean floor. When Percy was pretending that things were better. But they would be again, he just had to take care of a few things first, a massive problem that seemed to keep getting in the way. He needed to call the Ghostbusters.

He would become it, a tracker of the undead. Like the Hunters of Artemis Percy would move quickly, a silent assassin. He wasn't going home, no, he still had a few months left in Forks. He had wanted Leah to think that he was gone, so that he could kill Tantalus and be back before dinner. It had hurt, lying to her like that, but it was for her own good.

He couldn't stand the fact that Leah had almost died by hanging out with him and his bad decision making. So, he kept a token of remembrance, something that would never let him forget what had happened. A symbol of everything he was trying to stop.

A weight in his pocket.

A bullet.

The blood stained bullet that Percy had held tightly in his hand until Leah was gone. Gone but not for forever. He would be back... unless he failed. This time he was all alone on his quest, usually the number was three, but now it was one. A lone wolf without a pack, he was a ferocious beast trapped in a corner. But he would fight his way back, and he knew just where to start.

Seattle. Something was wrong with the city of lights, something inhuman. Percy opened the front door to his temporary home, the handle was freezing. The cold touch reminded him of something else with a presence like that. Someone close to home that was hiding a secret. Edward Cullen, monster, boyfriend of his cousin.

Percy's steps echoed around the room from impact with the wood floor. His clothes were in tatters, his body bruised and beat. Water could only do so much to heal a body, but it had done enough. Barely enough.

It won't happen again.

If he was looking for Edward, all he had to do was find Bella, and the creature would be soon to follow. Percy climbed the steps, the steps of stairs and the steps of understanding. Like Annabeth, form a plan. Like Annabeth be better. Do better, don't fail again, not again, it won't happen again, it almost happened again.

Percy was going to make it, because that's what he was, a survivor. He had lived where others hadn't, where others had fallen on the battlefield of war and destruction. He had risen from the ashes of his fellow brothers and sisters, defeating the evil that plagued salvation. This time it would be different, no one else would have to die, it would just be him, win or lose, live or die.

It's simple if you think about it, much better this way, only his life would be on the line, only he would face the consequences of his stupid decisions.

Be smart like Annabeth.

But he wasn't Annabeth, so he would do it like Percy. The flash of a blade through the air and the death of a monster. Just like it should be.

He heard the muffled voices of his cousin and Edward talking. Stepping into her room Percy looked throughout it. His cousin Bella was sitting on her bed, in a quiet conversation with Edward. The blankets were crumpled from the weight of their body's, a soft white light came in through the window.

"He's getting better but I don't think he's fully healed yet. Leah's helping a lot-" Bella's sentence was cut short when she noticed Percy standing in her room, her eyes were wide in surprise.

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