A Not So Relaxing Cruise

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Welcome Back To The Story!

As promised, a longer chapter that checks out at 2.9k words.

On a side note, I am currently 36k words into this story on my pages document. (I keep having to edit this number lol, it started at 32 on Thursday)

Because I am so far ahead I have decided to update more regularly, there's a poll on my profile that will give you the options.

Chapter 3

Percy was packed and ready to go, he didn't have much, just a backpack and a small, carry on size suitcase. His hood was up, covering his face (as usual) while he waited on the docks to get on the huge ship that was waiting for him. It was a white cruise ship with a pair of blue and red stripes going down the side. The sun glittered off of the bow, shining its bright light into his eyes. The cruise ship was called The Queen. He shuttered, that brought back many bad memories, Beckendorf had died trying blow a ship with a similar name, while Percy had been fine.

Hearing somebody talking to him snapped his brain in back to the present.

"Ticket please."A man in a ships crew uniform said to him. Percy handed the man his ticket.

"Thank you for choosing Queen cruise lines." And with those words the man turned to the next person in line. Percy picked his bags up and walked the long and skinny bridge that connected the land to the boat. He found his room and put his bags down preparing for the trip. It would be a long one, two whole days over sea, not that Percy minded, of course, he'd been at sea for much longer than that during his quest to save Grover.

After Percy got himself situated he decided to head out to the patio of the ship. He walked out to the bright sun shining harshly down on the wood deck, it was hot. He looked around. There was a light turquoise pool with a cool looking slide and white patio chairs surrounding it. There were family's bustling about, some with suitcases headed for their rooms and some were already in the pool, having a great time. Percy sat down in a chair watching all the children play in the bright water of the large swimming area. Soon the horns of the ship blew and set them forth on their journey. But the horns of the ship reminded him of something else, something so sad and heartbreaking that it hurt. Percy closed his eyes as he drifted out into the world of his dreams.


The sound of a conch shell vibrated the walls around Percy. A deep low sad sound different from its usual happy meaning. It was a horrible sound to Percy, because of what it meant, it meant that Annabeth was dead. Today was her funeral, they were going to burn her shroud, just like they had for all the other great hero's of the camp. Percy walked slowly down from his cabin to the place of the funeral. The sun was just coming up and the morning light shone everywhere, waking the birds and animals around him up. He could hear birds chirping and leaves rustling in the woods around him. His feet were getting wet from walking through the morning dew on the grass.

Any other day and Percy would have been happy, he would have woken up, immediately went over to the Athena cabin, and waited outside for his wise girl to wake up. But his wise girl was gone, gone and lost in this world forever. All their hopes and dreams for the future disappeared, one moment there was a future, and the next... well, Percy wasn't sure what he would do anymore.

He walked solemnly to the funeral, passing other people on the way there. Each time he passed someone they would give Percy a look that said I'm sorry for your loss, but Percy hardly noticed, all he saw was the coffin in the center of the pavilion. The coffins design would have been approved by Annabeth herself. There was a glass top covering the intricate wood coffin so that when you walked up to it and looked inside you would be able to see Annabeth. It almost looked like she was sleeping. Percy kept hoping that she would wake up, and say something like sike! You just got totally pranked! But she was really... you know. Percy never left Annabeth's side the entire funeral. He didn't even comprehend the words coming from Chiron's mouth until he said his name.

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