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Daybreak had barely appeared in the morning sky when Dani had woken up in the warm embrace of her mother. She didn't want to leave the bed since she rarely sees her mother. In the memories she had of her mother, whether she was only watching Dani play on the playground, or making her cookies, or buying her ice cream, or just mixing two color paints to make the color she wants, she cherished those memories.

She sat up on the bed when she heard a yell from downstairs. She glanced at her mother and got out of bed when she saw she hadn't woken up by the noise. Her bare feet padded along the long hallways of the large mansion until she arrived at a long spiral staircase. She saw two figures holding flashlights at the bottom of the steps and quickly followed after them. She recognized Hayley out of the two women. She didn't know who the blonde woman was, though.

"He keeps your coffins in stand by?" Dani heard Hayley's question.

"He likes to be prepared for when his family members inevitably disappoint him," the blonde's voice explained as Dani reached the bottom of the stairs. She saw multiple coffins on the floor of the small room, but it didn't scare her. She had lived with a vampire for the beginning of her childhood. "Elijah's isn't here."

"Uncle Elijah?" Dani made her presence known to the two women. They pointed their flashlights at her causing her to squint away from the light. "Where is Uncle Elijah?"

"And who's this?" The blonde woman asked, looking at Hayley as they pointed the flashlights away from her.

"Dani, you shouldn't be here," Hayley said, instead, looking at Dani with worried eyes. "Where's Faith?"

"Mom's still sleeping," Dani shrugged and looked at the woman with wavy blonde hair. She was getting an odd sensation from her, the same sensation she got when Uncle Marcel or Uncle Elijah was around her, then it dawned on her. "You're a vampire, aren't you?"

"Clever girl," The blonde commented. "You must be Faith's daughter, the one she's always protecting. I'm Rebekah Mikaelson and your name is?"

"Dani," she answered. "Is Uncle Elijah in danger?"

"Not for long," Rebekah answered and began walking past Hayley and Dani, up the stairs. She looked back at the two females, "well, are you going to stay here for the rest of your lives, or are you going to come up?"

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When Faith woke up, she almost went into a panic when she saw Dani wasn't in bed with her. She pulled the bedroom door open, harshly, and instantly relief hit her once she saw Dani perfectly fine walking up to the door. She had changed into a simple sundress with her long brown hair in a side braid. She met with Rebekah, who had told her about Elijah, who had been missing the past couple of days. She wanted Faith to do a locator spell, but the siphoner told her she had already tried that. Whatever hex the witches had placed on her was also controlling her magic, keeping her from doing any magic.

"Thank you," Faith said as Hayley gave her a warm cup of tea. She was leaning against the door frame, watching as Dani began drawing on a large piece of paper. She didn't know where she had gotten the art supplies, but she had an idea who might've given them to her.

"He keeps his siblings in coffins, Faith," Hayley said, keeping her voice low to not be heard by the seven-year-old siphoner. When she got no reaction from the pregnant siphoner, she sighed, "but you already knew that, didn't you?"

Faith looked at Hayley. "I know what I got myself into, Hayley. You might never understand and I'm not looking for you to understand, but I love him and he might hate me for leaving, but I still love him. He makes me feel safe more than I have ever been in my life."

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