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With a final glare, Faith's eyes rolled to the back of her head before slumping against the wall behind her.

She laid on the floor with chains around her wrists. Sophie stared down at the siphoner with the whimpers of her daughter coming from around the corner. Every time the witch had come to talk to her about the reason why she had taken them, Faith would always act irrationally which caused Sophie to do a spell on her to make her pass out.

It was the only spell she was able to do without harming herself or...

Sophie walked over to the seven-year-old girl. She smiled, kindly at the little girl. Dani backed up against the small corner of the wall she was against. Her whimpers still exited her lips as the yells of pain from her mother echoed through her head as it played on repeat, even when they had stopped.

Her hand curled up to her chest as the witch tried to hold it.

"Get away from me," Dani whimpered, tears brimming her hazel eyes.

Sophie looked at her for a few seconds before sighing and left the cabin.

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"Stop! Please!" Dani screamed, struggling against the witches that pulled her by the chains latched onto her wrists. "Where's my mom?"

The witches tugged the chains forward causing the girl to fall forward on the dirt ground. She was quickly picked up from the ground by the witches. They didn't wait for her to clean herself from the dirt as she was dragged again by the chains. Quiet tears fell down her small face as she looked around the cemetery they were making her walk through.

She wanted to be with her mother, to be in her arms, to tell her that everything was going to be okay.

She was pushed forward into a mausoleum. Her teary eyes met with the witch that had been holding her and her mother in the cabin. Then she took notice of the two men standing there. One had brown hair and was wearing a black suit. The other had dirty blonde hair, wearing casual clothes.

Dani tried to make herself smaller than she already was. She didn't know any of these people. The blonde man was staring at the red ruby teardrop necklace Dani's mother had managed to give her before the witch came inside the cabin. Immediately, her small hand covered the necklace, afraid he was going to take it from her.

"Where did you get that?" the man asked, angrily.

She stayed quiet. Tears began to fall again as her heart hammered against her chest. "Where's my mom? What did you do to her?" she yelled with trembling lips at the witch, standing behind the blonde man.

Then something seemed to click inside the blonde's head along with the man in the suit. Their postures straightened and looked at the witch with threatening eyes. The man wearing a suit took a deadly calm step forward at the witch. "What have you done with Faith?"

Sophie glanced between the two brothers. "She wouldn't listen. I had to do-"

The blonde man, in a blink of an eye, was in front of the witch with his hand wrapped around her neck. "What have you done with her?!" He glowered, shining his amber-yellow eyes.

"You can't hurt me," Sophie croaked between breaths. "You hurt me, you hurt her, Klaus."

"What are you talking about?" Klaus' angered expression flickered with worry. His grip loosened before dropping his hand to his side. He resisted the urge to snap the witch's neck in case there was truth behind her threat. "Where do you have her?"

Sophie turned to the two witches, who were holding Dani by the chains, and nodded at them. They dropped the chains to the ground and left the mausoleum. Dani turned around and watched as the two witches walked out of the cemetery's gate. She didn't know whether to make a break for it or to wait in case they were going to bring her mother. Her hazel green eyes were trained on them until a hand fell upon her shoulder.

She jumped and backed away. When she looked up, she was met with the man wearing the suit. "You're Dani Everly, correct? I'm a friend of your mother's, Elijah Mikealson."

"Mikealson?" Dani repeated, the name sounding vaguely familiar from somewhere. She had heard the name from somewhere, she just couldn't remember where or from whom.

Elijah didn't get a chance to continue as Dani turned her attention back to the entrance of the mausoleum where the witches had returned, but they weren't the only ones. There was a man carrying Faith in his arms. Her head lolled as she was unconscious and the chains around her wrists dragged across the dirt.

"What have you done to her?" Klaus' voice was filled with anger seeing the girl. He would've thought she was dead because of her appearance if it weren't for the steady heartbeat coming from her.

Then his eyes widened.

Two heartbeats were coming from Faith.

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I know it's a short chapter, I'm sorry. I've been busy with studying for the semester exams. It's always very stressful, but I will try to keep updating.

[II] Family {Klaus Mikaelson}Where stories live. Discover now