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Dani pulled her mother toward the kitchen for breakfast. Faith struggled to keep up with her daughter as her hand was on her more visible bump with Dani pulling her by the tips of her fingers. As they passed by the living room, they were met with Hayley, who was also going to the kitchen. They smiled at each other before the werewolf helped the siphoner with the energetic little girl.

"I want cereal," Dani said, seated on a stool around the island of the kitchen.

"One bowl of cereal coming right up," Hayley played along and looked at Faith. "And what would the pregnant nineteen-year-old like for breakfast?"

"Not be pregnant?" Faith answered, her hand on her sore back to which both girls shared a smile. The siphoner had been having constant morning sickness, making mornings terrible for her. "Um, just orange juice and toast with eggs."

"How about a bowl of cereal?" the werewolf asked instead.

Faith rolled her eyes with a small smile tugging at her lips. "Fine, I guess that'll do since you have such a variety of dishes in your menu, wolf."

Hayley smiled and rummaged through the refrigerator as Dani giggled at their conversation. They all turned at the voice of Elijah at the doorway of the kitchen, "good morning."

"Morning," Faith smiled before taking amusement at the exchange of eye contact between the Original and the werewolf.

"Listen, I know we're the only ones in this house that actually drinks milk," Hayley began just as Rebekah entered the kitchen from the back door, "but would it kill anyone to make sure it's on the grocery list?"

"Speaking of, add bleach," Rebekah said before heading to the living room.

"There's no milk?" Dani pouted.

Elijah smiled, ruffling her hair as he crossed the kitchen to the refrigerator. "I do hope my siblings were hospitable toward you in my absence as I am sure they wouldn't have done anything less toward Faith."

"In your absence as you like to call it, which is a way too polite way of saying that your brother put a dagger in your heart," Hayley said as Elijah looked through the refrigerator while Faith took the snacks that Dani found hidden in the cupboard away from her, "I have been attacked by French Quarter vampires, I've had to live in a house with a secret dungeon full of coffins, and I was nearly murdered by witched who are convinced Faith's baby is Lucifer."

"Please," the siphoner scoffed, ignoring the scowling expression on her daughter's face once she placed the snacks on the top shelf. "Not even Dani is complaining about all of this, Hayley."

The werewolf narrowed her eyes on Faith before taking notice of Elijah silently serving a bowl of cereal with milk to Dani, who was now grinning. "Oh," Hayley said, sheepishly, "milk."

She let out a sigh and looked at Elijah. "They've been...fine. Your siblings are weirdly overprotective."

"It comes with being in this family," Faith smirked.

"Back to the murderous witches," Elijah handed a bowl of cereal to the werewolf with a smile after giving one to Faith. "I have some concerns."

"They're a bunch of self-righteous..." Faith glanced at her daughter and stopped herself from cursing since she already did once and didn't want to make the same mistake again. "Anyway, my life is still linked with Soph and I rather it not be. I could have tried siphoning it, but I don't know if they did a complex spell with side effects or a simple one."

"Yes, I think it's time we took care of that little problem."

"I am all for it," Rebekah said, dragging a dead body across the kitchen floor. Faith instantly covered Dani's eyes and struggled to keep them covered as the little girl tried to remove her hands to see. "As soon as they're unlinked, we get to leave this crap town. Who do we have to kill?"

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