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"Where the fuck is she?" A feminine voice said, sounding hoarse with anger. The girl didn't seem older than nineteen and nothing seemed out of the ordinary with her. Except the street lights flickered around her as her bright crystal blue eyes seemed to glow under the night sky, glaring hard at the older woman in front of her. Her thin hand was wrapped around the woman's neck.

"I-I don't know," she croaked. Her eyes brimming with tears and her heart thumping against her ear. She feared for her life as the girl didn't like her response.

"Look, witch," she glowered. "The vampires couldn't have taken her. They're loyal to Marcel, so that leaves you, witches. Don't you want to know who's been murdering you, witches?"

The woman's eyes widened in realization. The past week, witches from the French Quarter had gone missing and turning up dead a couple of days later. The coven knew it wasn't the vampires since they liked to publicize the deaths of the witches. "I-it was y-you?"

"And let's not forget those two witches found dead in their house two years ago," the girl smirked.

"Please," the woman begged. "I have a daughter!"

The girl's jaw clenched in anger. "So do I and I want to know where the fuck you are hiding her!"


The blue-eyed girl pushed her away. A flicker of hope seeped through the woman thinking she was being set free, but then her neck was twisted and she crumpled to the concrete ground.

"Useless," the girl muttered. She stuffed her hands into her hoodie and calmly walked down the empty street.

On the roof of a building, Marcel watched as the girl left the mess she made. "We need to find her," he ordered to his close circle of vampires that stood behind him along with a few nightwalkers. "She's going to end up killing the whole witch population and I can't have that in my city."

The vampires left from the rooftop in a blink of an eye. Marcel's eyes stayed on the girl. "I don't want you going down that path, Faith."

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Faith moved her spoon around her bowl, lazily as she sat in Rousseau's. Her blue eyes wandered through the bar. Despite her usual beauty, Faith looked exhausted. Her sun-kissed skin was pale and dark bags were underneath her blue eyes.

"You've been coming here a lot," Jane-Anne, the bartender, walked up to her. She refilled the siphoner's glass with lemonade.

Faith faked a smile, though it looked convincing. "Yeah. I've been looking for a friend, but she hasn't come around. We were supposed to meet up here a couple of days ago."

"What's her name?" The witch asked. She noticed the suspicious look on Faith and said, "I could've seen her. Maybe I could tell you."

"Her name is Hayley," Faith said, reluctantly because the bartender should have known her since she came to New Orleans not that long ago. "She has brown hair and she has green/brown eyes. She came to New Orleans to look for her parents. She's an orphan."

"A girl did come here looking for her parents," Jane-Anne revealed, causing Faith's attention to zero-in on her. "I sent her to the bayou."

"Can you tell me where that is?" She asked.

"Yeah," the witch pulled out her notepad and wrote down on it. She tore the paper and handed it to her.

Faith smiled for the first time in a long time. She quickly hugged the witch over the counter. "Thank you so much," she said before leaving the bar in a hurry.

Sophie from the kitchen glanced up at her sister. Jane-Anne smiled in satisfaction, holding a couple of strands of black curly hair.

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Faith appeared in the swampy field. A worn-down cabin was a couple of yards in front of her. The sun was beginning to set as Faith stepped forward. She only took a few steps forward when she felt a tug in her stomach. Like someone was doing magic on her.

Her head began to hurt, making it hard for her to concentrate. Her hands clutched her head as she let out a groan of pain. Without being able to concentrate, Faith was having difficulty fighting off the spell or creating a spell. Her blue eyes darted to the figures coming out of the woods. She dropped to her knees before letting go of fighting back. Her eyes rolled to the back of her head and she passed out.

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When Faith woke up, the sunlight hit her directly on the eyes. She squinted at the window across from her as she tried to focus her eyes. She tried moving her arms, but they were chained down by her wrists. They weren't ordinary chains. They were siphoning chains. Faith glared at the sight of them and attempted to pull the chains even when she began to feel the pain of the chains tugging on her skin.

The chains clang, hitting the wooden floor as she stopped her attempts to take off the chains. Her blue eyes studied the building. She wasn't able to see through the window, but she could guess where she was being held. The hot and humid air told her she was still in the bayou, probably in the cabin she saw.

"Mom?" A small voice called out. "Momma?"

The siphoner's heart jumped at the voice. Tears brimmed her blue eyes as she tried to look around the corner. She walked as far as she could with being chained down. "Dani! It's Mom!" Faith yelled. "Are you okay?"

"Mom!" the little girl yelled with relief before she started to cry. "I'm sorry, Mom!"

"No, no," Faith said. "Nothing is your fault. It's ain't your fault. You did nothing wrong. You need to tell me who took you, okay?"

"I-I don't know," Dani sniffled. "They grabbed from behind when I was walking with my nanny. They took her too, but they let her go."

"I tried to do the magic you showed me," Dani continued, talking about how Faith taught her to siphon. The siphoner had taught her daughter how to control her siphoning. "I was only able to do it to one of them, but then they put these chains on my hands."

"Has anyone come?" Faith asked, her mind thinking through ways to get Dani out of here.

"Yes," Dani said in a small voice. "A girl. She said her name was Hayley and she was looking for her family. She was nice."

"Where is she now?" Faith's body went rigid, afraid her daughter might've seen someone's last moments.

"They took her away somewhere," Dani answered. "They kept saying something about the full moon and being the wrong one."

Of course, they got Hayley. The night Faith had come to New Orleans she placed some of her magic onto her. A spell to be precise. Whoever was trying to locate her would be locating Hayley instead.

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The day grew into a glowing orange and yellow before completely turning pitch black. No one has come into the cabin. Dani had told her they brought her food while she was sleeping, so she was never able to see their faces. But she did say they sounded like girls.

Faith had an idea who had taken her daughter and she was all prepared to murder them.

[II] Family {Klaus Mikaelson}Where stories live. Discover now