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"You'll cycle through four stages that represent the four elements that bound together the harvest," Faith explained to Davina, who laid on her bed, weak and sweaty. Rebekah sat down next to her, trying to comfort the young witch. "Earth was only the first one, cue the vomiting dirt and earthquakes."

"Then comes wind, and since each stage is more intense than the last," Rebekah continued. "Let's just say you'll blow the roof off this place."

"After wind, comes water, so rain and most likely floods," Faith sat down on the bed, grabbing the witch's hand, gently. "The last stage is fire and since it's the last one, it'll be the worst of all."

She glanced at Rebekah since she was much closer to the witch, she thought it'll be best to hear the news from her. The blonde looked at the witch, "they want to complete the harvest."

Instantly, Davine panicked, pulling away from them. "No!"

"The witches say you'll be resurrected," Rebekah tried to reassure her.

"They're liars! They'll say anything to get what they want! Just like Marcel. Just like you!"

"Davina, you may think that I don't care about you, but you're wrong," Rebekah insisted. "I know what it's like to have your life stripped away from you because of other people's bad decisions. How do you think I became a vampire?"

Davina looked at her, searching for something to tell the blonde was lying to her. Rebekah showed her the large needle in her hand and Faith made sure to tighten her hold on her arm to stop her from moving too much, though she knew the vampire was capable of doing it herself. "What is that?" the witch panicked.

"The more upset you become, the faster you deteriorate," Rebekah said. "I compelled up some sedative."

"No, no, no!"

As Rebekah tried to stick the needle into her arm, the wind began picking up, hollowing, and making the flaps of the windows slammed against the walls. Immediately, Faith began siphoning some of the magic from the witch, although no matter how much she siphoned, the witch didn't grow any weaker. She was an unlimited supply of magic and Faith had a limit on how much she could siphon.

"Would you just stab it into her?" Faith glowered, her hands glowing red from siphoning as the wind continued to pick up. "There's a reason why I haven't siphoned the magic out of her, completely."

Rebekah shot her a look before finally sticking the needle into the olecranal skin of the witch's arm. She pushed the sedative into her vein and within seconds, the wind stopped and the witch had fallen asleep. The siphoner and vampire relaxed after a second when nothing else happened.

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"Is Davina going to be okay?" Dani asked as she dragged the black coal across the sketchbook page. She looked up and Faith smiled, softly and wiped the smudge of coal on her cheek with a damp cloth.

"She can't control her magic," Faith uttered, putting the damp cloth away. "We might've figured out how to fix that."

Dani looked up at her mother. "How?"

Faith tensed, not wanting to tell her daughter her friend had to die. "We have to...finish a ritual. The Harvest. If we don't do it, the whole city will burn, killing everyone."

Her eyes widened, taken back by how her mother was being honest to her. She knew her mother hid certain things from her and she didn't understand why, but she knew better than to ask. Especially when her mother had this dark and lonely look in her eyes. She might be young, but she was also surrounded by witches, vampires, and a werewolf. She knew how scary the world was and a part of her didn't want to know the truth.

"She's..." tears built up in her eyes, blurring her vision. "She's going to die, Momma?"

"I'm so sorry, sweetie," her mother said, bringing her into her arms.

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Faith didn't trust witches. She hated them. Everyone knew that. That's why she had told Dani about Davina. She knew the ritual had to be completed and everyone thought there was a possibility of her coming back to life. But they didn't know how witches could hold grudges. Davina had stopped the coven from receiving their magic, their power and with her dying, Faith knew the witches probably weren't going to let the young witch off easy.

After Dani cried, mourning over her soon-to-be-dead friend, she had fallen asleep again. The last few days had been an emotional toll on the seven-year-old. Overall, Faith felt like a horrible mother.

She let out a tired sigh, a hand instinctively going to her stomach as she walked across the courtyard of the compound. She took a step back and her eyebrows furrowed, noticing a certain werewolf near the entrance of the compound, packing cans into a cardboard box.

"What are you doing?" Faith asked once she neared the werewolf. "Are you...crying?"

"You were right," Hayley sniffled, still packing cans into the box.

"I usually am," the siphoner noticed she was packing canned food. "But if you could be clearer? What was I right about this time?"

"Celeste," Hayley mumbled. "Elijah."

"Ah," Faith uttered, not knowing what to answer to that. Then, she smirked and helped the werewolf place the canned foods into the cardboard box. "You know with the way you're crying, people might think you're the one who's pregnant, not me."

"Shut up," Hayley mumbled but smiled slightly.

"So," Faith motioned to the boxes, "whose are these for?"

Before the werewolf could answer, a new voice cut her off. "What are the two of you doing? Where's Dani?"

Both women looked at the hybrid, but with different reactions. Hayley with her teary and red eyes scowled at him whereas Faith greeted him with a small smile and tired eyes. The werewolf was the first to answer him. "I was going to take these to the —"

"If you say 'bayou'," Klaus neared them. "I will find a nice comfy dungeon and throw you in it. This is not the night to be out there."

"For anyone," Hayley countered back with no bite, and turned around to continue packing, "but some people don't have a choice."

Klaus glanced at Faith, who looked right back at him, knowing very well that if he stopped her from helping the wolves, he would be a hypocrite. "Dani's sleeping," Faith answered his previous question. "I had the vampires guarding her room."

The hybrid exhaled, glad to know the exact location of the young siphoner, and grabbed one of the cardboard boxes. "Right," Hayley looked at the couple in confusion. "Grab that lot and come with me."

Hayley watched him walk toward the entrance and glanced at Faith. The siphoner smirked, raising an eyebrow, and picked up a box. "Well, come on, don't want to keep the ill-tempered hybrid waiting."

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I don't really like how this chapter is written, but whatever -- I'm too lazy to change it.

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