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The weather was chaotic with wind blowing and thunder lighting the sky, but they managed to arrive at St. Anne's church with no one dying. Klaus had taken the cardboard box filled with cans from Faith, and the siphoner had let him without complaint. Her arms were getting tired anyway.

Entering the church, Father Kieran immediately noticed them and walked toward them after reassuring the werewolves at the front. "We still haven't gone through all that you've already provided, Klaus," he said, taking the two boxes of cans from the hybrid.

"Well, this newest bit isn't from me," Klaus replied, stacking the boxes onto Father Kieran from Hayley. The female werewolf glanced at Faith, utterly confused and slightly suspicious of the couple.

"Oh?" Father Kieran handed the boxes to someone before looking back at Hayley. "That's very kind of you...?"

"Hayley," she stared at the priest and glanced around the church. "And these people are?"

"I asked Father Kieran to give them shelter," Klaus answered, and grinned as he continued. "He suffers from an incessant desire to do good, but now I need you to be useful," he looked at the priest, seriously, "Marcel and Davina have disappeared. I assume from the stupefied look on your face they haven't sought refuge in your attic."

Father Kieran shook his head. "No, those days are gone."

"Then energize your resources," Klaus insisted. "I don't need to remind you how important it is they be found."

"He says that with a please and thank you at the end," Faith smiled at the priest.

The priest smiled back. "Of course," he said before walking away.

Klaus looked at Faith with a raised eyebrow. "What?" The siphoner said. "He's been helpful so far. No need to be rude about it and have him stab you in the back later."

"These people," Hayley's voice caught their attention and they turned around to look at the werewolf. "They're werewolves, and the priest, he said that you donated the food. You're helping them?"

"I thought that was obvious," Faith said. Hayley gave her a pointed look as Klaus began to explain.

"They're not your werewolves. They're my clan from very far back. They've fallen upon hard times, and their plight has brought out the philanthropist in me," Klaus grinned. "What can I say? Must be Elijah's influence."

"What do you mean your clan?"

"Why, Hayley," Faith smiled, slyly. "He is a hybrid - half vampire and half werewolf. How do you think that happened? Don't tell me you didn't get the talk from your adoptive parents."

Hayley pursed her lips.  "This family gets more complicated by the second."

Klaus glanced at Faith, who raised an eyebrow. He then sighed and looked back at the werewolf. "Listen, Hayley, word of advice when dealing with Elijah, don't do as I do. Follow Faith's example. She is honest and apologetic toward him."

"To be fair," Faith cut in. "Seeing his disappointed face bothers me whereas you're already used to it."

Klaus smiled a bit at her. "Just apologize," he told Hayley. "He's accomplished in many things, but he is a master of forgiveness."

[II] Family {Klaus Mikaelson}Where stories live. Discover now