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All Faith could think about is how much she hated running as she ran next to Hayley through the trees. They made it a few yards into the woods before hiding behind a thick tree. Faith caught her breath, leaning the palms of her hands over her knees as Hayley leaned against the tree, holding the knife close to her chest to be ready to attack anyone.

Faith straightened up when she sensed a vampire and Hayley soon followed when she heard the sound of a stick snapping. The siphoner placed her hand on the werewolf's shoulder, siphoning some magic as they prepared to attack anyone who meant harm to them. Hayley glanced over her shoulder, tightening her grip on the handle of the knife, but then Faith tugged her other hand to signal her.

Instantly, Hayley whirled around and raised the hand that held the knife to attack. A wave of relief washed over them at the sight of Elijah. He stopped Hayley from attacking him by holding her arm. "Forgive me," he said, calmly. "Thought you were in danger. It appears I was mistaken."

Faith let them have their moment for Hayley to hug the Original. She knew how obvious their feelings were for each other with the secret glances and smiles. Faith nodded in reassurance when Elijah looked over the werewolf's shoulder. "I'm okay," she mouthed with a small smile.

"Let's take you home," Elijah uttered.

"Elijah," Hayley said. "There's something you need to know about the babies."

"No, he doesn't," Faith interjected, grabbing the werewolf by the elbow. They stared at each other, none of them backing down. "This has nothing to do with you, so you aren't allowed to talk about this matter if I do not wish for it to be known."

"The babies can create hybrids," the werewolf said, rapidly before the siphoner could stop her.

Faith narrowed her eyes on her, placing her palm on the werewolf's forehead and Hayley, unwillingly, closed her eyes, asleep and falling back into Elijah's arms. The Original looked at Faith with questioning eyes with arms holding the werewolf up. "Relax, she's only asleep. She should know better than say things that are none of her concern."

"What does she mean the babies can create hybrids, Faith?" Elijah questioned.

Faith looked at him and when he waited for her answer, she sighed and reluctantly told him what had happened.

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After the siphoner explanation, the Original convinced her to remove the sleeping spell on the werewolf. Faith, lazily, waved her hand and the werewolf gasped awake. The siphoner rolled her eyes at her glare and walked past her in the direction of the wooden shack to look for Klaus. Elijah had told her about him searching for Tyler and she had a feeling he found him back in the shack.

"You can't be blind with love for him, Faith," Hayley followed after her.

Faith whirled around. "He hasn't wronged me in the ways he has with others, Hayley, so let do make this mistake you think I am doing, which I'm not. And do you think Klaus is the only one who has done horrible things? Do you even know how Dani became to be my daughter? When I'm only nineteen?"

The siphoner stepped closer to the werewolf, threatening. Because Hayley did not know. She only knew that Dani was adoptive, but she didn't know how it came to be. "I killed her witch family. Not because I knew they were neglecting Dani, but because her grandmother pissed me off. She called me an abomination, so I killed her, her husband, and her daughter. I killed the husband, then the old hag, and lastly when it came to her daughter, the pathetic bitch started going on about having a daughter."

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