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"Guess who's the reason why the little witch has fled the coop?" Faith said as she walked up to Hayley and Rebekah, her hands on her daughter's shoulders. "Dani told Davina about Agnes being dead when Marcel hasn't even told her."

"I'm sorry," the young siphoner mumbled.

"It's quite alright, Dani," Rebekah smiled at her. "Girls shouldn't be controlled by boys. Be sure to remember that."

The little girl nodded, smiling at the blonde.  She glanced at her mother, who was also smiling at her. She thought she would be mad at her for letting Davina leave, but she doesn't seem bothered by it, which she was grateful for. She didn't like her mother mad or disappointed in her.

"It's good to know the truth and be hurt than be lied to," Hayley commented, glancing up at the balcony, where Marcel and Klaus stood on, talking among themselves. "She realized they were just using her to keep control over the witches."

"Yeah, well," Rebekah followed the werewolf's gaze on the balcony. "I've never been a fan of the boys club. Just wait, Elijah will join them and the three of them will be impossible. Used by the witches, lied by Marcel, manipulated by Elijah, threatened by Klaus. She's like a modern-day Casket Girl."

"What a lovely thought," Faith murmured, sarcastically as she watched over Dani to make sure she doesn't pull too hard on the dresses in the chests.

"Are you talking about Davina or yourself?" Hayley questioned Rebekah.

"Does it matter? Either way, we, girls have got to stick together."

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Faith was braiding her daughter's hair when she saw Hayley in the doorway of the room. She raised her eyebrows, questioningly and the werewolf tilted her head back to follow her out of the room. The siphoner was suspicious of her behavior and told Dani she would be right back.

"Yes?" Faith asked once she was out of the room.

Hayley played with her phone in her hands as she spoke. "I got a call from Sophie."

"And you have her number, why?"

"It doesn't matter," Hayley dismissed, ignoring the look in the siphoner's eyes. "She wants me to find Celeste's body, where she was buried. I was hoping you know where her body is buried, being an Everly. A coven that knows all about witches."

Faith crossed her arms. "And if you tell her, what do you get in return?"

The werewolf didn't meet her eyes. "She can lift the curse on my family. Her bloodline was the one who did the spell."

"No," Faith said, making up her mind after a while. "I don't even know where she is buried, and if I did, I wouldn't tell you. I know you know about Elijah's promise to her in his books. He keeps his promises to people he cares about."

"They're just bones," Hayley insisted.

"If you really thought that, then why didn't you go ask Elijah? He does like you and whatnot. He would do anything for you," Faith stared at the werewolf before walking back inside the room, leaving Hayley alone in the hall.

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People in white dresses and black suits danced in the streets of the French Quarter with marching bands playing their instruments. Faith was with Dani, holding her hand so she wouldn't lose her in the crowd of people. The younger siphoner was smiling, widely at the festivities, pulling her mother around the streets in excitement.

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