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Faith woke up by the humid weather. She blinked multiple times for her eyes to adjust to the bright sunlight as she was slumped against a wall. She immediately felt the plastic zip-ties bounding her wrists to a metal rod in the wooden wall above her. She was met with a familiar cabin in the bayou and she groaned, "you've got to be kidding me."

"This is your fault, again," Hayley's voice came from her right. "In the same freaking shack in the bayou."

"Oh, stop your whining," Faith remarked as she looked around for their kidnapper. "So, who is it this time? And did they take Dani?"

"That would be me," Faith looked up from Hayley and was met with her ex-boyfriend. Tyler had his eyes narrowed on both women, who were separated across the room, so Faith wouldn't be able to get any magic from the werewolf. "Don't worry, I won't hurt kids."

"Well, aren't you a sight for sore eyes," Faith greeted him, mockingly. "Last time I saw you, you were running for your life from Klaus and me I. How's Caroline doing?"

Tyler clenched his jaw in anger. "You do realize you're under my control, right? Or are you still a suicidal bitch? Or maybe Klaus already got tired of you like —"

Before the hybrid could finish, his neck snapped and he crumbled to the floor. Faith was glaring at his body with intense anger. Hayley looked shocked at the scene as the cabin began to shake by the amount of magic Faith was releasing.

"Damn it," Faith grumbled as she pulled herself up to sit on the dusty floor. Her eyes were still trained on the hybrid on the floor "I used all my magic."

"How convenient," Hayley said after getting over the shock.

"I don't see you trying to do anything," the siphoner countered back. She sighed before continuing, "what did he want? Revenge? Again...? What is it?"

She noticed the look on the werewolf. Hayley stared at the body of the hybrid on the floor and spoke, "he knows about my family. Apparently, I come from some royalty werewolf pack that has been prosecuted by vampires."

Faith leaned her head back, eyes looking at the body on the floor. "I guess, we have to wait until the bastard wakes up."

Tyler groaned, rolling his sore neck. He pulled himself up, looking up, and glared at the siphoner. Faith smirked at him, waving her fingers, tauntingly as he stood up. "Fucking bitch," he spat.

"Clearly, you both had a bad breakup," Hayley commented at their interaction. "Whatever you think you're doing, Tyler, you know that the whole Original family has made some sort of pact or something to keep us safe, so if you hurt us, they'll kill you."

"And why would Klaus care about you?" Tyler remarked.

"She helps me and she isn't that bad to be around," Faith answered. "So, by my request, they settled on keeping the three of us safe as long as she protects me and my daughters."

The door behind Tyler creaked open and in came a tall unfamiliar man. Faith observed the scene in front of her as Tyler rummaged through a black duffle bag. He asked if the man was ready to which he nodded before the hybrid pulled out a large syringe.

"What are you doing?" Faith asked, her body tensed as she sensed a foreboding feeling. The man walked up to Faith and she began to struggle against his grasp. She tried siphoning any magic from the man, but he was wearing gloves. She looked at Tyler, who was walking up to her with the syringe. "No, stop! Get your fucking hands away from me!"

"Klaus destroyed everything good in my life!" Tyler crouched down in front of her. "So I'm gonna take away the thing he wants most."

"He killed his mother, mine, and probably Katherine's," Faith seethed. "Get over yourself, you're not that special."

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