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It was the next morning when Klaus stood outside the open door of Faith's bedroom in the mansion. He could hear Dani giggling in the backyard as she was chased by Hayley, they were playing around. He hesitated to enter the room before entering it. He looked at her sleeping figure covered by the white sheets of the bed with the duvet of the bed pushed to the side. Her black hair was a great contrast against the bedsheets. At the bench of the bed was a small bottle that he picked up, but he froze when he heard her voice. "I didn't use it."

"You're awake," Klaus stated, putting down the bottle and walking to the window that faced the backyard. He saw the small figure of Dani hiding behind a big green bush, peaking around it to watch Hayley try to find her.

"I could barely sleep," Faith replied, sitting up. "It feels like a swamp sauna in here and I had morning sickness."

"What stopped you? You could've been free of all of this — of me."

Faith looked at him. "I don't want to be free of you, Klaus and you're not holding me back against my will. I wasn't planning on getting pregnant and I didn't even know you could get me pregnant. We were both abandoned by our parents, whether because they chose to abandon us or because they had no choice. I'm not about to abandon this child — our child like they did."

Klaus finally looked at her for the first time since they met again. His blue-green eyes looked into her own crystal blue eyes. Faith stood up from the bed and neared him. "I didn't mean to leave without a word. I wanted to find and make sure Dani was safe with my own eyes. I am sorry."

"Just for the child?" Klaus asked, despite himself. "You're staying just for the child."

A faint smirk appeared on her face. "That and my dumbass loves you."

Hands were placed on either side of her face as he moved his lips roughly against her soft lips. Faith didn't know how the hybrid was going to react, knowing how unpredictable he was, but she wasn't disappointed with this reaction. It was a good thing she had brushed her teeth just minutes before she attempted going back to sleep, only to be awakened by Klaus.

There was a sense of longing in the kiss that Faith brought her hands on his shoulders, pulling him closer to her. Her eyes fluttered shut as Klaus' hands traveled down to settle onto her hips. He was stepping forward until the back of Faith's knees made contact with the edge of the bed. Feeling rebellious, the siphoner didn't fall back onto the bed like he wanted to. He could feel the smirk against his lips as their kiss deepened. The grip on her hips tightened, but then a low groan escaped from his lips as Faith's hands gently pulled onto his curly hair.

"I win," Faith murmured, pulling away from the kiss as she caught her breath. Her blue eyes shined with happiness and mischief as Klaus rolled his eyes at her, but an amused smile played on his lips.

"I let you win, love," the hybrid said to which Faith rolled her eyes this time. He brought his hand up to brush away her curly black hair away from her face. He felt relaxed and free for the first time since he had last seen her. Then he heard the cheerful screams of Dani coming from the backyard and his mind went back to what Marcel said at the empty garage. "Faith?"

Her blue eyes met with his and she hummed to signal she was listening as she played with the necklace around his neck. "How does Marcel know about you and Dani?"

Her posture went rigid under his arms and a flash of worry and guilt washed over her. Her hand subconsciously went to her neck, looking for her necklace, but she had given it to her daughter and she was met with nothing. Klaus reached for her hand and held it in his and Faith let herself relax. She let out a tired sigh before answering, "Marcel took care of Dani when I was at Mystic Falls. He was going to kill me when I had killed that witch family, but we made a deal. He took care of Dani and I would not interfere with his attempts to kill my mother, I even helped him. Obviously, they all failed and I had to return to Mystic Falls. He...took care of Dani when I couldn't. He's the one who told me Dani was missing."

[II] Family {Klaus Mikaelson}Where stories live. Discover now