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"No," Klaus denied, despite hearing the heartbeats loud and clear. He shook his head in denial as he turned to the witch. "It's impossible! Vampires can't procreate!"

The man that carried Faith inside the mausoleum placed her on top of a long stone that appeared to be a table. Dani instantly went to her mother's side. She held her surprisingly warm hand between her small hands. She was growing worried for her as she wasn't waking up. She wished she didn't have the chains on her so she'll be able to give her some of her magic.

"But werewolves can," Sophie stated. "Magic made you a vampire, but you were born a werewolf. You're the Original hybrid, the first of your kind and this pregnancy is one of nature's loopholes."

Klaus fought within himself. Faith couldn't be pregnant with his child. She couldn't be. She can't...

He looked at her. Her curly black hair was tangled and didn't have its usual healthy shine. Her skin was pale and her freckles were faded. Dark bags were underneath her closed eyes. Her chest moved up and down steadily, showing she was breathing. The last time Klaus had seen her, she was so happy and filled with life. Now, Faith was unconscious before him and stuck with a pregnancy she portably didn't even want.

"My sister gave her life to perform the spell needed to confirm this pregnancy," Sophie's voice grew with urgency, pointing at Faith. "Because of Jane-Anne's sacrifice, the lives of this child girl and her baby are now controlled by us."

"What?" Dani looked at the witch in surprise. Her mother's controlled by a witch...

"If you don't help us take down Marcel, so help me, Faith won't live long enough to see her first maternity dress," the witch threatened.

"Enough of this," Elijah spoke up, keeping his anger under control from attacking the witch threatening the siphoner's life. "If you want Marcel dead, he's dead. I'll do it myself."

"No," Sophie said, sharply. "We can't yet. We have a clear plan that we need to follow and there are rules."

Anger rose inside of Klaus at the witch's tone and her words toward him. "How dare you command me? Threaten me?!" He yelled. "I won't hear any more of this madness!"

He stormed out of the mausoleum and before Elijah followed him, he motioned at Faith and Dani to the witch. "No one touches them, I will fix this."

"Elijah...sir," Dani called out to him, awkwardly before the vampire followed after his brother. His brown eyes peered down at the little girl's puffy hazel eyes. "There was another girl. She's a friend of my mom. She was escaped, yesterday. She was going to come back for us. Her name is Hayley, she might worry if she doesn't find us. Please find her if you can."

Elijah smiled. "Of course, Dani."

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Klaus was walking through the French Quarter after having bitten one of Marcel's inner circle vampires. He strolled through a big crowd where they watched a band of musicians before his eyes caught sight of someone. A man was painting a large canvas, hastily before taking notice of someone watching the painter.

It was the little girl, Faith's daughter, Dani.

Immediately, he walked up from behind her. Her hazel eyes were trained on the painter with amazement before sensing Klaus. "They let me go without Mom. They probably knew I was going to look for you."

[II] Family {Klaus Mikaelson}Where stories live. Discover now