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Faith hummed as her heart fluttered. She felt the soft brush of Klaus' light kissed on her shoulder with his arms wrapped around her. His palms settled over her stomach as he rested his head on her shoulders. "What's going on?" she asked, softly as they stood in the doorway of Dani's room, who was practicing her magic. "What's happening out there that is having you keep us inside the compound?"

It had been a couple of days since they returned from Mystic Falls and Klaus wasn't allowing them to leave the house and kept the vampires around them at all times. "Nothing that needs to concern you," Klaus whispered.

Faith turned her head, so they faced each other. She raised her eyebrows, questioning, "really, now? Because Hayley said two vampires were found dead and they weren't even staked. She said it could be black magic."

"Then why ask if you already know?"

"I wanted to hear it from you," Faith looked back at Dani, wincing when she lit the candle too strongly and melted the candle into a puddle. "Take a deep breath, Dani. Emotions influence your control."

"I don't want to do this anymore," she huffed and crossed her arms. "Can we go to the park?"

"Not right now," Klaus answered. "Something is happening outside, so you and your mother are to stay inside, where it's safe. Have you eaten?"

Dani frowned and shook her head. "Come on, then," Faith reached out her head to her daughter, who gladly took it. "Let's see if there's food in the kitchen," she then said, lowly to Klaus, "don't burden yourself. Just because your vampires don't want to help, doesn't mean you're by yourself. You have me, okay? You'll always have me."

Klaus nodded, kissing Faith. "Ew," Dani wrinkled her nose. "Stop kissing my mom."

The couple laughed and Klaus ruffled her hair before she and Faith walked downstairs to the kitchen.

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"Hello?" Faith answered her phone as she gently laid the blanket over the soundlessly sleeping Dani. "Elijah? Wait. Slow down."

She gave a quick glance over her shoulder, making sure Dani was still in bed before leaving the bedroom. "Rebekah is inside some kind of boundary spell, channeling her and we can't get her out of it. Do you know about Papa Tunde?"

"The witch who wanted money and territory after the First World War, right?" Faith answered, thinking back to the Everly grimoires and diaries. "Klaus killed his sons. I think he also took out his eyes."

"Yes," Elijah said. "Someone is using a similar, if not exact, sacrificing spell and Rebekah is being channeled. Can you tell us how to get her out of it?"

"It's a convoluted spell," Faith mumbled, trying to remember from what she read on the witch's magic from the top of her head. "It needs a balance to work, so you'll need something to spoil it. Like a more potent ingredient – some kind of magical component like rock salt or — Elijah, where are you right now?"

"Warehouse 57 in the docks," he answered, "but what —"

"I'll be right there," Faith hung up. She placed a protective spell on Dani's room and grabbed the nearest two vampires. "Stay by this door at all costs. If I come back to find my daughter missing or dead, you will wish it was Klaus hunting you down instead of me, got it?"

They glared at her, but quickly nodded. She passed through the kitchen, grabbing a knife before approaching the nearest vampire at the exit. She quickly siphoned the magic out of him. He didn't have time to react as he passed out on the ground.

She was covered in shadows before the vampire even hit the ground. She re-appeared at the entrance of the docks in front of the warehouse 57 and walked inside to find Elijah and Hayley standing in front of a large circle made of salt with Rebekah laying, desiccated in the middle of it. They glanced at her as she quickly approached the spell on the ground. She raised her right hand over the salt and sliced her palm, dripping her blood on it. "A witch's blood," she explained to Elijah.

The salt boiled and sizzled from the unbalance. Elijah stepped into the circle and carried Rebekah off the ground, diminishing the offering spell. Faith took a step toward them, worried for Rebekah when Hayley grasped her arm and wrapped her sliced palm with a ripped cloth from her clothes. "Thank you," Faith mumbled to which Hayley nodded in acknowledgment.

Faith knew she needed to have a talk with Klaus.

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Later that night, the vampires gathered at the compound since they were summoned by KLaus. Faith pushed past the vampires standing on the balcony and headed to the shared bedroom of Klaus and her. She found the hybrid serving himself a drink. "Papa Tunde, are you serious?" she restrained herself from yelling since Dani was sleeping in the next bedroom. "He was brought from the dead and you didn't think to tell me? You know what this means, right?"

"The harvest, yes, I know," Klaus took a sip from his drink. "This exact reaction is the reason why I didn't feel the need to tell you, Faith."

"I'm sure you had the exact same reaction if not more," Faith retorted, rolling her eyes. "I want to know what's going on, Klaus. I want to know so I can help you and to know what to do to protect our children and family. Rebekah was used to channel power and who knows what else is to come."

Klaus looked at her. Thinking and just taking her in before setting down his glass and sighing. "Alright, I'll tell you what's going on so you are kept in the loop, Love."

"That's all I ask," Faith nodded as Klaus took her hands and brought her closer. At times, Klaus just wants to keep her close to himself. To hide her, their daughter, and their unborn children from the world. To just have a day of peace before being thrown back into a world of war.

Faith placed her forehead against his. The world felt quiet when he was around her. "I love you," she whispered like a secret.

Klaus could almost feel his heart want to beat. "I love you."

She seemed to always know what he needed to hear.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16 ⏰

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