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Dani struggled to keep her eyes open as she walked inside what looked to be an underground cellar illuminated by lit candles. She blinked rapidly and grabbed the nearest thing, which was her mother's shirt when she felt the ground underneath leave her. She regained her balance and looked up when she felt her mother's hand on the crown of her head. Her crystal blue eyes peered down at her with concern, running her hand through her wavy brown hair.

"I'm okay," she mumbled, letting go of Faith's shirt. She saw her mother purse her lips, but she didn't say anything. They both knew she was sleepy and needed to be put in bed soon.

"Ah, don't worry," Josh said to Timothy, holding a lantern up to see the bricked walls with grey-colored skin arms sticking out of them. "They're not really dead, just really hungry, and... I'm not helping."

"You think my brother Nik is awful?" Rebekah called out from deep inside the cellar. "Marcel learned from the best. This is how he treats his so-called friends who betray him. Most of what these poor souls did is no worse than what Josh did."

She pointed at a certain vampire tramped underneath the bricks and cement, and Davina neared him. "Take Thierry, for example. He was Marcel's most trusted friend. Klaus tricked him into breaking one of Marcel's rules. Marcel knows this, and yet he keeps Thierry locked in here day after day suffering."

"This is insane," the human boy suddenly spoke and got an eye-roll from Faith. She didn't have the patience to deal with humans who didn't know about the supernatural.

Davina glanced at him before looking back at Rebekah. "Why are you telling me this?"

"Because you need to know who you're dealing with, who you can trust."

Davina looked around the cellar with sadness and betrayal. "Hey, hey," Timothy walked up to her with a bottle of water. "It's going to be okay. I mean, you're gonna be alright. Here, drink something."

The witch took the bottle with both hands and drank. "Davina, both you and I have been lied to and taken advantage of by Marcel and Klaus. Maybe together, we can get a little payback."

Suddenly, Timothy began coughing and stumbled to the ground. Davina called out to him in worry and crouched down next to him with Josh. Faith grabbed Dani by the shoulder and pulled her back in a protective manner, not wanting her to get hurt in case something bad was to happen.

"It's Klaus," Timothy croaked. "He made me do it. I didn't even know what I was doing until I made you..."

"Made her what?" Rebekah demanded.


Faith's eyes traveled to the water bottle atop of a barrel. "Klaus poisoned the water," Rebekah said.

Timothy let out one last gasp before his eyes closed and he fell to the ground. It wasn't long before Davina began to cough and gasp for air until her body felt weak and she laid on the ground next to the fiddler in pain.

Two small fists gripped onto Faith's shirt and she looked down to see Dani with wide hazel eyes with tears swirling inside. "Momma," her lower lip trembled and she buried her face onto Faith's stomach.

Anger surged through her body at the sight of Dani with tears. She placed her arms around the small body of her daughter, trying to comfort her and block the sight of her dying friend on the ground. Rebekah glanced at them when she heard Dani and immediately saw the livid anger in the pregnant siphoner's eyes while Josh tried to give the witch his blood to heal her.

At that moment, the blonde's phone rang and she picked it up, seeing the name of her brother on the small screen. "I'm with Davina and she's dying because of your —"

Her phone was ripped out of her grasp as Faith used her magic to take the phone from her without moving. The phone landed in her hand and placed it next to her ear. "Klaus fucking Mikaelson, I'm going to snap your neck a million times if you don't tell me how to cure Dani's friend."

"My girlfriend; conspiring with my sister, how unexpected," Klaus' amused tone was heard. "I'm sure you already tried vampire blood."

"Get over your paranoia self," Faith snapped. "I'm not allowing a fucking child to die on my watch. Call it me trying to be a better mother or a fucking hypocrite, but tell what poison you used."

"You see, the poison I compelled Timothy to feed her is quite potent," it irked Faith that she could practically hear the smirk on his face through the phone. "It's just a matter of time for her."

"They're children!" Faith's grip on the phone tightened and the flames on the candles in the cellar suddenly sprouted high from the siphoner's anger. "Do I have to remind you that two children that you partially made are to be born in a few months? Are you going to be killing children then as well? We would have dealt with her another way."

"There's no dealing with those who threaten us," Klaus' voice went blank with amusement. "Davina sealed her fate when she stood against me. This was her choice, not mine."

Before she could say anything else, Klaus ended the call. Faith gripped the phone and smashed the phone against the bricked wall. Josh flinched at the sound and Rebekah saw her reaction to be perfectly fitted in the situation. She wasn't even mad that it was her phone that was smashed and it wasn't the first her phone had been smashed against a wall either.

"Momma, is she going to die?" Dani whimpered. "She can't die. Please. She's my friend."

Faith exhaled, causing the flames of the candles to die down a bit, and she crouched down to meet her daughter's height. She brushed her hair away and cleaned her tears away with her thumbs. She smiled, softly. "Hey," she whispered. "I'm going to check on her, okay?"

Dani nodded, slowly and Faith stood up. The pregnant siphoner glanced at Rebekah, meeting her eyes. The vampire immediately knew the siphoner couldn't help the dying witch without knowing what poison Klaus had used and was only putting on an act for the sake of her daughter. Faith motioned with her head at her daughter and Rebekah nodded back, walking toward the crying little girl to comfort her.

Faith sighed through her nose as she crouched down on the floor. She didn't look at Josh, who was holding the witch's hand in worry. She slipped her hand into the younger girl's hand and desperately hoped the poison was supernatural in some way, so she'll be able to siphon the poison. Closing her eyes, she concentrated on finding anything supernatural that didn't belong to the witch. Her eyebrows furrowed when she sensed a spell already on the witch.

It was a protection spell.

Her stiff shoulders relaxed at the sensation of the spell and she opened her eyes. Josh was already looking at her, expectantly and hopeful. "Don't worry," she whispered in the quiet dungeon. "She's going to be okay."

"Oh, thank god," Josh sighed, still holding his friend's hand and waiting for her to wake up.

"And the boy?"

Faith placed her hand on the boy's shoulder. There was no familiar warmth of magic she usually felt or sensed when she was around supernatural beings. There was also no sensation of a spell placed on the human boy. She drew back her hand and shook her head.

He was already gone.

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What better way to avoid studying for finals than writing a fanfic instead?

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