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Once Faith returned to the mansion, she had to worry about her daughter, not being able to think about Elijah and Hayley. Klaus had informed her that Dani had not been able to sleep all night and needed rest. It took a while to get her daughter to sleep before Faith was able to crawl away from bed to confront Klaus.

She was walking down a hall but stopped when she heard Klaus and Rebekah's conversation. "Marcel knows nothing," Rebekah said, "he is not plotting against you. He simply thinks you're in a quarrel in need of making up."

"Perhaps we will," Klaus answered. "After all, you know I'm capable of forgiving those who disappoint me as soon as they've seen the error of their ways and suffered for them. You do well to remember that."

"You never let me forget."

Klaus walked out of the room with a glass of bourbon in hand. He smiled at the sight of Faith standing outside of the room. His smile grew into a smirk as the siphoner narrowed her eyes on him, following after him into another room. "Are you going to silently follow me or out with it, Love?"

"I know he won't die from the bite, but did you have to bite him?" Faith questioned.

"Ah, but," Klaus raised his hand that held the glass of bourbon, "no other way would bring the little wolf pain like this. I'm sure he would hallucinate the last of his love, Celeste."

"Can he not love someone?" Faith remarked. "Are your siblings not allowed to have their own person to love, Klaus? You have me and yet, you would not allow your siblings the same freedom."

Anger surged through the hybrid at her words. "Rebekah has always fallen for fools who do not deserve her love and Elijah is too much of a coward to go against my word in hopes to bring me happiness."

"They are your family!" Faith snapped. "If you love them, you would allow them to be happy and to love someone, and not be centered around your selfishness! And don't you dare bring up how I would know about loving someone or how I would know about how family works. I might not much experience in those areas, but that doesn't make me stupid enough to think that is love, Klaus."

His grip around the glass tightened, causing it to break. "My selfishness is what kept them from getting hurt and kept them alive!"

"They were hurt and they weren't alive!" Faith retorted. "You had them daggered in boxes, keeping them from actually living their lives or for them to even get hurt! Just because they found someone to love and cherish, does not mean they would love you any less!"

"You cannot keep doing this when your children are born," Faith lowered her voice. Tears brimmed her blue eyes as anger filled her from the hormones. "They would be little kids. I would not allow them to be hurt because of your selfishness and paranoia."

"Leave," Klaus muttered before raising his voice. "I said leave!"

The couple glared at each other before Faith silently left the room. The door slammed shut, causing the lamps in the room to shatter from the pent-up magic Faith released on the force of the door.

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Faith walked inside the study room of Klaus with Dani in tow. "Leave the poor girl alone, Klaus."

The hybrid rolled his eyes, dropping the sheet of paper on the desk before leaving the room. Dani walked further into the room with a large sketchbook and a box of chalk crayons. She settled at the coffee table as Faith smiled, apologetic at the blonde bartender. "Sorry about him. I guess, you already know why he's like that."

"He told me about his brother and sister," Cami answered, slumping against the chair behind the desk. "Though he didn't say anything about you, weirdly enough."

"Yes, well," Faith trailed off before taking a seat in an armchair in front of the desk, "we had a bit of a row about said brother and sister."

Camille smiled, sympathetically before sitting up. "How about talking about your memoir? Klaus did hire me to be both your stenographer. I have already typed on this junk typewriter about him, but I haven't done anything for you."

Faith thought about it for a moment before replying, "how do we start?"

"Klaus has said about your family serving his family since the time they were turned," Cami replied. "Why don't we start from there?"

Faith nodded in agreement. "The Everly coven has served the Mikaelsons, more specifically the children. They only gathered around those with power so they mostly served Klaus, the Original hybrid. Ironically, their magic was the cause for Klaus' werewolf side being hidden."

Camille typed on the typewriter with Faith's words. "Ariadne Everly was the witch that lived when they were human and then turned. She had refused to mentor Esther Mikaelson, their mother because she thought of her as a weak witch since she had barely started practicing after years of not doing so. Instead, Esther went to be mentored by Ayana Bennett, a witch from another coven, which caused conflict between the two covens."

"Why?" Cami looked up from the typewriter and Faith was a bit surprised to see the blonde so interested.

"Uh, well, the Bennett coven were all about protecting magic and nature, while the Everly coven cared about power and who could do the most powerful spells," the siphoner explained. "They became more hateful to one another when the Everly coven sought to protect the Mikaelson children after they were turned. The coven followed and protected the Mikaelsons as they traveled the world, seeking for a home."

"It wasn't until they came to New Orleans that they parted ways. Well, most of them," Faith saw the confused expression on the blonde. "Some of them stayed in New Orleans while others went back to their homeland, Mystic Falls, where I was born. Although, they did keep in contact with one another, trading secrets and new spells."

"What about your family?" Cami asked as she finished typing the last few words.

Faith glanced at her daughter, who was busy drawing. "I think that's a story for another time."

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Not my favorite or best, but whatever. I wanted to update.

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