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"Watch it," a man glowered at Dani, who had accidentally bumped into him. The little girl looked up at the male vampire and she even didn't blink when he bared his fangs at her.

"Bare your fangs at my daughter, again and I will decapitate you," Dani looked behind her to see her mother with her arms crossed over her chest and glaring her blue eyes at the vampire. "Now, leave."

The vampire tensed, fighting within himself before marching away. Once he was out of their sight, Faith placed her hands on the shoulders of her daughter and smiled at her. "Where were you running off to? We're having dinner, soon."

"What does decapitate mean?" Dani questioned, instead of as she let herself be pulled by the hand by her mother across the courtyard of their new home. "Are Uncle Elijah and Aunt Bex joining us?"

"I don't think so," Faith answered her second question and ignored the first. They walked past the many compelled humans who were organizing the dinner table and decorations. "Elijah and Rebekah had a bit of an argument with Klaus."

"What did they do?" Dani asked.

Faith glanced at her daughter. "They were all in the wrong, Dani. It isn't just one person's fault. Don't worry, I'm sure they would be returning soon."

"Okay," Dani smiled, reassured by her mother's words before skipping off into the compound.

"If a vampire tries anything, just take their magic or set them on fire!" Faith yelled after her before sighing when she only got a shout of okay from the little girl. She wanted to be around her daughter all the time with the vampires roaming around the compound, but she knew how much both she and Dani disliked people hovering over them.

"I don't think that is advice a mother normally gives her daughter," Hayley stood next to her.

"Yeah, well," the siphoner's eyes swept over the compelled humans. "We aren't normal."

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Dani was wearing a pink lace dress with ruffles and Faith couldn't stop her from wearing it since she was smiling so big as she skipped to sit down at her seat at the dinner table. Klaus glanced at Faith from across the dinner table to which the siphoner just shook her head to not question the dress. The other seats at the table were used by Marcel and his inner circle.

Klaus stood up from the table and held out his cup. "Let us begin with a toast to our shared gift - immortality. After a thousand years, one might expect for life to be less keenly felt for its beauties and its sorrows to diminish with time, but as vampires, we feel more deeply than humans could possibly imagine -"

He waved toward the group of waiters and waitresses to join them at the table. Each compelled person stood next to each vampire seated at the table. One of the waiters stood next to Dani and handed her a plate of food. The young siphoner looked at her mother and Faith nodded, letting her know it was okay for her to eat the food the stranger had given her.

"Insatiable need, exquisite pain," the waiters and waitresses pulled up one of the sleeves of their suits, pulling out a knife and cutting into the skin that was revealed. Their blood-filled the glasses of the vampires as Klaus finished his speech, "our victories and our defeats. To my city, my home again. May the blood never cease to flow."

"And the party never end," Marcel smiled, raising his glass.

Diego followed the vampire's lead. "To New Orleans!"

Faith took the glass of champagne away from Dani's hand as everyone else at the table drank to the toast. How someone placed a glass of champagne next to her daughter's plate, Faith didn't know. She handed it to a waitress, along with her glass filled with red wine, and told her to bring orange juice for her and her daughter.

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