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Klaus never imagined he could love someone as much as he does with Faith and Dani. He watched Dani giggling and throwing the autumn leaves in the air and Faith caressed her baby bump while she watched her daughter with an endearing smile. It made him think what a great mother she was and will be. They walked as if they were a normal family, through the woods surrounding the Salvatore House.

It had been earlier in the day when Faith and Klaus received messages from Damon about the impending death of Katerina Petrova and decided to visit Mystic Falls. Especially after the Harvest ritual.

"Dani, slow down," Faith called over the giggling of the siphoner, who continued running ahead while twirling around the trees. "You might fall and we need to see you at all times."

"Okay!" Dani yelled, slowing down to skip around and staying in her parent's eyesight. They continued in the direction of the Salvatore House as the trees began to thin out as they grew closer.

"What are you planning on saying when you face Katerina?' Faith looked at Klaus with raised eyebrows. "Gloat? After five hundred years, you finally get to witness the death of the woman you've been hunting down."

Klaus took Faith's hand into his. "I would have thought it would be more...satisfying or theatrical, but it is quite disappointing now that it is coming to an end."

Faith chuckled, shaking her head. They smiled at each other before turning their attention to Dani. The young siphoner was nowhere to be seen and instantly their hearts seemed to drop to the ground.

"Dani!" yelled Faith. Her voice was filled with panic as she whisked around in an attempt to locate her.

Klaus yelled her name next and waited to try to hear her voice. He thought she was playing her little pranks she loves to do. He furrowed his brows when he faintly heard her small voice. "I hear her."

"Where?" Faith looked at him expectantly with worry. Klaus could hear her heart pounding, anxiously as well as Dani's trembling voice speaking to someone.

"What are you doing here?" a familiar voice asked. "You're not supposed to be here."

Klaus brought Faith in his embrace before he vamp-sped them in the direction of Dani's voice. They stopped a couple of feet away from Caroline, who was crouching down to Dani's height, who was hugging herself. They turned around to the couple when they arrived.

Dani immediately ran to them, hugging Faith's leg and hid behind it. She peeked up at her mother as Faith ruffled her hair and smiled down at her in an attempt to comfort her. "I told you to stay close, Dani."

"Sorry," she mumbled, hugging her tightly.

"As long as you're safe," Faith replied before turning her attention back to Caroline, who had been staring at them.

"Hello, Caroline," Klaus greeted with a smirk.

"Klaus," Caroline exhaled, eyes shifting between the couple. "Faith," then she looked down at the baby bumped and Dani, "you're pregnant? You're still together?"

"Well, don't sound so surprise."

Caroline scoffed, crossing her arms. "Faith went missing on graduation night and you spiraled into a killing spree. I think I'm allowed to be surprised that the two are still together – with a child and child-to-be."

"I get that you're mad, but there's no need to direct your anger at us for Tyler choosing to follow his revenge over staying with you," Faith shrugged after allowing Dani to play with the autumn leaves at a distance. She smirked at the angered expression on the blonde vampire while keeping an eye on Dani. "Damon talks especially after drinking."

[II] Family {Klaus Mikaelson}Where stories live. Discover now