"Shinazugawa! Stop for a second! The demon isn't regenerating anymore!" Gyomei yelled at Sanemi. Sanemi is still blindly charging at Kokushibou even though the demon has already turned into dust.
However, Sanemi didn't hear Gyomei calling for him and still swinging his blade wildly. Gyomei immediately put a stop to it by holding the Wind Pillar tightly.
"Upper Moon One is defeated! The battle is over! It's already done!" Gyomei told him. Suddenly, Sanemi collapsed in Gyomei's arm.
'It's hard to believe... He's still going even after he's lost consciousness?' Gyomei though in shock. Gyomei than put Sanemi on the ground, gently.
Suddenly, Gyomei heard someone calling for his name. "Himejima-san... How's big bro?... And Tokito-san?" Genya asked weakly.
Gyomei walks toward Genya and crouches in front of him. Gyomei put his hand on Genya's shoulder, "It's alright, we're alive... Tokito is..."
Gyomei glanced at distance as he saw Muichiro, laying on the floor, not moving at all. "I'm fine... Go help... Tokito... Hur... Ry..." Genya struggled to tell Gyomei.
Tears begin to fall from Gyomei's eyes as he looked at Genya's condition. 'He's still alive in that state? Is it because of the demonification?'
'But the blood loss is taking effect with it... Shinazugawa might be a marechi, but there probably won't be a problem putting him next to Genya...' Gyomei thought by himself.
Gyomei then stand up and walks toward Sanemi who is still unconscious. He dragged the Wind Pillar and put him next to his brother, Genya.
"Big bro... You're alive... That's... Good..." Genya said, feeling relieved. Gyomei decided to leave the brothers alone and went to check on Muichiro's body.
Gyomei take off his haori and cover from the top of Muichiro's chest until his lower region since Gyomei want to conceal Muichiro's decapitated condition.
"Tokito... It's because of you.. It's because of you, we won... You have my deepest gratitude and respect..."
"You're still so young... But you were absolutely incredible... To the very end..."
"I'll defeat Muzan no matter what... And then, I'll be along...be at peace, rest..." Gyomei said while tears falling on his face. He put his hand on top of Muichiro's eyes and closed it, gently.
Suddenly, Gyomei heard a loud screaming from his behind. "WHAT'S HAPPENING TO HIM, DAMMIT! HIS BODY... HIS BODY'S CRUMBLING LIKE HE'S A DEMON!" Sanemi yelled in shock and worry for Genya.
"Big... Bro..." Genya called. "You're alright! I'll figure something out! Nemi's gonna figure something out." Sanemi tries to reassure his brother while tears begin to fall on his face.
"Nemi... I'm sorry..." Genya tried to apologise while tears is also falling from his eyes. "Back then...I'm sorry, I blamed you... I'm sorry... I was just... A pain..."
"YOU WERE NEVER A PAIN! NEVER! DON'T DIE... YOU CAN'T DIE BEFORE ME..." Sanemi told Genya. "Thanks... For... Watching out... For me..."
"YOU CALL THIS WATCHING OUT FOR YOU, YOU STUPID BASTARD! ARHHH NO!" Sanemi yelled in frustration. "Nemi... I wanted to... Take care of you... Like you always tried... To take care... Of me..."
"We felt... The same... We're brothers, you know? You've had... A really hard time... I want you... To be happy... I don't want... You to die..."
"Because my Nemi... Is the nicest person ever..." Genya said to his older brother. "ARGGHH! PLEASE! PLEASE! JUST HANG ON, LITTLE BROTHER!" Sanemi begged.

The Pure Who Embraced Hatred
Fanfiction"He accepted hate in the place of love, Disgrace in the place of honour. A burden where a normal human can lose their mind but not him..." -Kagaya Ubayashiki- "Tell me where should i go? To the left where nothing is right or to the right where noth...