"We are getting closer! I can hear them!" Shinobu said while Kanae agreed with her. Both of them can definitely hear few sounds in the distance. They continue to run pass few rooftops as the sounds are getting louder and louder, signalling that they are getting near to reach him...
To reach (Y/N)...
The two of them already made a promise, not just to (Y/N)'s parents which is Aunt Akame and Uncle Sasuke, but also to their own father and mother.
A promise that they'll save (Y/N). Save him from his own torture and nightmare that keep dwelling deep inside of him after soo long since that 'night'.
After a moment, they can finally see few silhouettes in distance and it leads to them to feel shocked by the scene. They can see Giyuu fighting both Mitsuri and Kyojuro.
On the other side, they can see Kanao and Sanemi teaming up against someone. "NO! STOP IT!" Kanae yelled as she saw that both of them are currently fighting (Y/N).
However, her voice was unheard since she and her sister are still few distance away. Meanwhile, Shinobu has a look of dread as her eyes is filled with nothing but worry.
She increases her speed more as she could, causing her to leave Kanae behind. But she don't think about it too much since the only thing that she needs to do is to reach (Y/N).
Kanae can see that Shinobu is leaving her behind and she begin controlling her breath. Slowly, she also increasing her speed, but it wasn't enough to catch up to Shinobu since it can't be denied that Shinobu is one of the fastest Hashira, far more than her own older sister and possibly the other Hashira.
But that doesn't matter to Kanae, it's better for Shinobu to do so because in this moment, every single of time is very precious and they cannot waste any of it.
As they keep getting closer, both of them are feeling horrified as they are seeing (Y/N) falling onto his knees, unable to move as the latter is holding his left leg in pain.
To make it worst, both of them can see Sanemi rushing at him with a technique about to unleash, "I'll send you to the other world with this! Wind Breathing, First Form: Dust Whirlwind Cutter!"
As if the time is being slowed down, Kanae and Shinobu desperately tries to stop Sanemi from unleashing his attack. Their eyes are filled with nothing but despair as they realises few things inside their minds.
They don't want to admit it at all, they don't want to believe it, but reality hits them and struck them painfully inside their hearts as few heart wrenching thoughts keep running inside their heads.
They wouldn't reach him in time.
They couldn't save him.
They couldn't keep their promise.
They couldn't protect (Y/N)...Kanae can feel her eyes starting to feel wet as she desperately don't want to linger into this kind of thoughts at all. But no matter what, it keep repeating inside her head, telling her that they wouldn't make it.
Shinobu gritted her teeth as she shook her head a few times trying to get this thoughts away from her. But it keeps coming back no matter what, and it's causing her to feel frustrated, but she wasn't going to let it stop her.
Then, their eyes goes wide in shock as they saw (Y/N) who is kneeling on the ground, suddenly looking at their direction from far. He is smiling at them as if there wasn't a deadly attack coming straight at him. The smile he gave to them, as if he was telling them that everything is going to be alright.
And Sanemi's attack finally hit (Y/N) before it crashed into a building, creating a hole in the middle of it. But it didn't stop there, as the building begin crashing down and crushes anyone who is beneath it.

The Pure Who Embraced Hatred
Fiksi Penggemar"He accepted hate in the place of love, Disgrace in the place of honour. A burden where a normal human can lose their mind but not him..." -Kagaya Ubayashiki- "Tell me where should i go? To the left where nothing is right or to the right where noth...