"He accepted hate in the place of love, Disgrace in the place of honour. A burden where a normal human can lose their mind but not him..."
-Kagaya Ubayashiki-
"Tell me where should i go? To the left where nothing is right or to the right where noth...
Sanae then saw them and called them, "You three come here and look, we found something nice here." all of them then went to the stall......
Then they saw that Kanae and Shinobu look a bit different. Kanae currently are wearing a pair of green and pink butterfly hairpins adorned on either side of her head.
Shinobu on other hand also wears butterfly ornament with a white and purple colour at the back of her head. Akame smiled seeing both of Kanae and Shinobu. She's the one who picked the hairpins for both of them.
Sanae then looked at (Y/N) before an idea crossed her mind, "hey Akame, you didn't mind I borrow your son for a bit right? Since you picked the hairpins for my daughters, why not I pick something for your son hehe~"
Akame just said fine and Sanae grinned before looking at (Y/N), "you hear that (Y/N), let's go. I'll find you something nice indeed."
(Y/N) just shook his head not approving with Aunt Sanae idea. But Sanae wasn't having any of it before she started dragging (Y/N) away. (Y/N) tried to resist but it was proven to be futile. (Y/N) just sighed in defeat before passing his takoyaki towards his father.
A few minutes later, (Y/N) returned with his face looking a bit embarrassed while Sanae is commenting on her work in satisfactory.
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"Ara ara~, you look very cute (Y/N). You should feel honoured that I picked the best for you" said Sanae while teasing (Y/N).
(Y/N) didn't utter a single word still feeling embarrassed. Akame giggled watching his son while Sasuke smiled feeling entertain.
Akio is holding his laugh but (Y/N) saw this and feeling more embarrassed than before. Kanae also laughed a bit while Shinobu is giggling.
Then they went to find the shopkeeper who is a woman and payed for both of Kanae with Shinobu hairpin.
The cat ears however were given free. The shopkeeper just complimented (Y/N) saying he's cute and told them that she's been trying to get rid of the cat ears that (Y/N) is wearing but no one is willing to buy it.
They all thanked the shopkeeper before leaving. Now they just have to wait for the fireworks to come. Soo to kill some time, Akio suggested to let the kids play some carnival games.
Sanae agreed with her husband while Sasuke with Akame just followed them. Kanae feels excited while Shinobu is feeling neutral hearing his father suggestion. (Y/N) on other hand hand just followed while enjoying his takoyaki.
Shinobu did not hate playing carnival games but sometimes she feel like some of the games are rigged.
She remember in the past when she played one of the game with Kanae which is throwing balls towards a pyramid stacked tin cans. Knock them all over and win a prize, the prizes are a pair of plushie animals.