"He accepted hate in the place of love, Disgrace in the place of honour. A burden where a normal human can lose their mind but not him..."
-Kagaya Ubayashiki-
"Tell me where should i go? To the left where nothing is right or to the right where noth...
It's been 2 months since the battle at Yoshiwara in the Red Light District. As always, (Y/N) vanished from sight after that battle without a trace. However, he continue to protect the humans in the dark without anyone knowing except the Ubuyashiki's family who always knew where he is.
Tanjirou has been in coma for 2 months straight after the battle with upper moon six. He already regained his consciousness and the first one to realise about this is Kanao since she's the one who keep visiting him.
Tanjirou then slowly recovered until he is ready to start rehabilitation training again since he is bedridden for soo long. However, it's not difficult like the first time he went through since he already used to it.
With the last battle with the upper moon six demons, Tanjirou blade has became chipped. His swordsmith, Haganezuka didn't send a new sword for the last 2 months. Instead, Haganezuka send a lovely letter to Tanjirou....
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After receiving the letter, Tanjirou don't know what to do as he thinks that he already broke the old sword he received and now he chipped the latest one he received.
Sumi thinks that it may be Haganezuka who's being difficult in this situation. Kiyo then suggested that how about Tanjirou went to the swordsmith's village and talk to Haganezuka.
Tanjirou doesn't know if he can go there. He asked Oyakata-sama for permission to go there. Kagaya approved and Tanjirou was brought to the swordsmith's village by being carried by the Kakushis while also being blindfolded since the village has been kept secret of it's location.
Now, Tanjirou's only goal for now is to find Haganezuka to talk with the swordsmith...
~Meanwhile at Ubayashiki's manor~
Kanae and Shinobu are being summoned now by Kagaya via their kasugai crows. It's just another day being assigned with mission for both of them.
Both of them arrived at the Ubuyashiki's manor as they take off their footwears before entering. They entered the room which is dark since no sunlight reached in.
Both of them sit down on the floor beside each other and waited. A few moments later, they heard footsteps incoming. The door opened and both of the sisters were bit surprised.
Instead of Oyakata-sama, it's his wife, Amane Ubayashiki. Amane entered the room before sitting in front of the Kocho sisters. "Thank you for coming..."Amana said.
"I will be the one briefing your next mission instead of my husband. He's not feeling really well right now." Amane said with a hint of worry in her voice.
"Oh my! Can i have a look? I might can do something about it" Shinobu offered since she's a medic. "No, thank you for your kind offer. But I believe you can't do anything about it because it's his family curse." Amane told Shinobu.
"That's too bad. I hope for the best for Oyakata-sama" Kanae said also feeling worried for their leader. Amane just said thank you for concerning about her husband's wellbeing.