It's been 2 years now since the first time (Y/N) went to the Summer festival with his family and the Kocho family. Both of the Uchiha and the Kocho are very close to each other since then. (Y/N) also reached 10 years old.
Right now, (Y/N) is currently fighting his mother in hand to hand combat. It's been a year since his mother joined to train him. The first time Akame started to taught him leave him soo unexpected with the how the event occurred. He can remember it clearly how it started...
(Y/N) was slashing the air for a thousand times. He was training in his sword technique right now. Sasuke was nowhere to be found since he is working today.
He already used to training alone since his father always have works but Sasuke never neglected his son training. If he has a day off, he will come to watch (Y/N)'s progress.
But today seems peculiar a bit because right now, his mother decided to join to watch his son training. Usually Akame didn't join soo it's leaves (Y/N) in wonder.
But as always, (Y/N) just brushed off thinking it was nothing before Akame called him, "Hey (Y/N), it seems like your training in swordsmanship is progressing very well i see. But i wonder, how about your breathing technique?"
"owh it was nothing mother, thanks to father's instructions and guidance I managed to get better in using swords." replied (Y/N).
(Y/N) then continues, "however I'm still not good in the breathing technique completely. I already mastered normal breath styles like focused breath but the next stage which is full focus breathing is a bit hard. I know how to do it but maintaining it is hard."
"I see" all Akame said before suddenly she kicked the sword in (Y/N)'s hand away. She then jump high and began to send an axe kick towards his son. (Y/N) was soo unexpected by this but due to his sharp reflex, he barely dodged.
After Akame touch the ground, the spot she landed has become a crater. (Y/N) was panicking and asked his mother, "mother! What are you doing that was dangerous."
Akame didn't say anything and then pursuit his son in a close distance and went for a hook. (Y/N) evaded by crouching but Akame continues by delivering a strong kick towards his son's position right now.
(Y/N) know he didn't have time to dodge soo he crossed his arm to block himself. (Y/N) managed to block it but he was sent flying before hitting a tree on his back. It hurts soo much.
Akame then landed in front of his son looking down at him since (Y/N) is currently sitting towards his back on the tree while she was standing.
"You may have managed to get better in swordsmanship but I can see that you rely too much on it."Said Akame
"There are many people that fights similar like you currently. When they rely too much on their weapons, They think they are nothing without it but they forget something important."
"Our own body is a weapon itself." Akame said to his son. Even though (Y/N) still feeling hurt from his mother recent assault, he still listened closely.
But then (Y/N) retorted, "But mother, at least you could have told me before starting to attack. It was too sudden and i wasn't ready at--"
"Are you gonna use that excuse on a real opponent too?" Akame said calmly. (Y/N) feels his mouth shut hearing his mother.
Akame just sighed before rubbed his son head in a loving manners, "You may have improved a lot but overconfidence in your skills is undesirable."

The Pure Who Embraced Hatred
Fanfiction"He accepted hate in the place of love, Disgrace in the place of honour. A burden where a normal human can lose their mind but not him..." -Kagaya Ubayashiki- "Tell me where should i go? To the left where nothing is right or to the right where noth...