"He accepted hate in the place of love, Disgrace in the place of honour. A burden where a normal human can lose their mind but not him..."
-Kagaya Ubayashiki-
"Tell me where should i go? To the left where nothing is right or to the right where noth...
(Y/N) continue to walk on the hilly road as he slowly getting near on top of the mountain. He felt the winds blowing onto his face as he just focus onto his journey.
It's currently 3:45PM right now. He has his own plans for today and one of it is on top of the mountain. After 10 minutes, he finally reached on top of the mountains.
He can see small towns from distance as the weather is quite warm today. (Y/N) enjoyed the view since it was such a sight to behold.
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(Y/N) then hold out his mother's black cloak in front of him. The cloak is beyond repair. He knew that even if he send it to a tailor, they wouldn't be able to fix it. The holes and tears on it are too much.
Even if they can patch it, it would not look the same. (Y/N) is caressing the cloak as he look at it. A smile appeared on his face, remembering about his mother, Akame Uchiha.
He never had a chance to meet her in her final moment. He only met her in his dreams during the night of the Uchiha's massacred.
The cloak is the only thing he managed to get that is related to his mother. He remember how she loves to wear it since it was quite warm especially during the night.
(Y/N) know he needs to let go. But it can't be helped that he missed his father and mother. He also missed Uncle Akio and Aunt Sanae. A sudden guilt washed upon him as he remembered the Kocho's parents.
This was all his fault...
(Y/N) slightly frowned as he remembered that night. This all happened because Muzan is looking for him. However, this accident began because of his own undoing.
The night when the three demons came into the Kocho's house. He was naive back then when he left one of the demons alive, not realising that it was going to find him for revenge. That one mistake is where it all began...
And because of that, Muzan managed to find where he lived with the Kocho...
That night, he realised that he was never going to be enough to protect Kanae and Shinobu. They need to stand up by themselves.
And now, both of them have become the best in the demon slayer corps by joining the Hashiras.
(Y/N) is very proud of them and he can be in ease, knowing that they don't need him anymore to protect them. They can take care of themselves by each other side.
A small smile appeared as he remembered about Kanae and Shinobu. All the time he spent with them, he cherished every one of it. After a few moment, he decided that it was enough thinking about the past.
(Y/N) looked at the cloak one last time, before he decided it was time to let go. (Y/N) closed his left eye, as his right eye begin to transform into the mangekyo sharingan.
He directed his right eye to his mother's cloak. The cloak begin to lit up in black flames. The flames slowly begin to envelope the cloak.
It begin to turn into ashes as the wind from the mountain blew it away. (Y/N) watched with a peaceful smile on his face. "Goodbye... Mother"