~ Chapter 30 ~ (True Identity)

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Kanae is horrified right now, the demon is literally right in front of her staring at her with a huge smile on his face. "I know you're afraid but don't be. It will be a pleasant experience for you" Doma said reassuringly.

Doma put his fans away and then going to reach for Kanae with his hands. Kanae just watched with fear unable to do anything. Her sword is already destroyed to pieces and she didn't stand a chance when she fought the demon earlier.

Doma is about to hold her until another hand holded doma's hands at the wrist. Doma had a look of wonder on his face and thought who interrupted him.

Doma is going to look for the one who interrupted him but before he can, he only saw a foot coming to his face. It landed and Doma was sent flying away due to the force from the hit.

Kanae is shocked when she saw a newcomer saving her from that demon. She eyed the person and immediately recognised the figure. A sense of relief came into her and a single name left from her mouth...


Itachi just watched as Doma crashed away few meters away from both of them. He just stood silently in front of Kanae. Kanae is feeling more grateful than ever right now.

"Itachi, thank you for saving me..." Kanae said. "Don't thank me yet when the threat is still in front of us" Itachi replied. Kanae nodded in agreement.

Kanae is about to help Itachi handling the demon before remembering her sword already broken to pieces. "I'm sorry Itachi, I can't help you. My sword has been shattered by the demon" Kanae said regretfully since she can't do anything to aid.

"That's fine but listen closely, I want you to retreat right now. I'll hold the demon" Itachi told Kanae. "What! No, you can't fight the demon alone. He's an upper moon two. Even I didn't stand a chance at all" Kanae said worried for him.

"Then what do you suggest?" Itachi asked. "I suggest both of us retreat and I'll call for backup from the corps and they may send other pillars to help" Kanae said.

"That will take too long and the demon has a huge chance to run away you know" Itachi said. Kanae just sighed, Itachi is right. But before they can create another plan, they heard the sound of footsteps and it was from Doma.

Doma is walking towards both of them but he looked a bit disturbing. He's approaching them with his head in an abnormal position instead how it was supposed to.

"That was such an unpleasant experience..." Doma said. Then he repositioned his head to how it was supposed to be and there was a loud crack noise. Kanae feel a bit disturbed while Itachi didn't fell bothered at the sight.

Doma then looked at Itachi with an unpleasant smile on his face, "you know, it's rude to interrupt other's business" Doma said to Itachi. Itachi however didn't answer and just stood silently.

Doma then suddenly appeared in front of Itachi with his fan ready to swing at Itachi. Itachi however catched Doma's hand at the wrist seemingly unfazed by the speed Doma just showed.

Kanae's eyes went wide, she didn't saw the demon at all but Itachi however managed to follow the demon's speed. How strong is Itachi really is?

Itachi then kicked Doma at the chest making him crash into a tree. Itachi then began to pursuit doma immediately and both of them began to battle.

Kanae just watched in awe at Itachi. Shinobu has told her that Itachi is actually very powerful. She believed her sister but she didn't know Itachi was this powerful to fight an upper moon by himself.

She just watched before she heard a thud at her back, "nee-san! Are you alright?". Kanae turned around and saw Shinobu.

Kanae immediately went to Shinobu and embraced her younger sister. Shinobu looked at her sister in wonder, she didn't show it but she is really relieved that her sister is still alive after fighting an upper moon.

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