(Y/N) are currently sitting at the backyard of the Kocho's house hanging with both of the Kocho sisters.
(Y/N) is enjoying the view because it was full with flowers and plants. The lawn were well maintained too and not overgrown. The sight was a pleasant to the eyes and quite relaxing.
The Kocho sisters on other hand are already used to this kind of view since they saw it everyday. Their parents like to spend their free time gardening at the backyard.
Their father, Akio sometimes bought imported flower seeds even if it is expensive. Well since they were rich it doesn't matter at all.
(Y/N) have managed to get more familiar with both of the Kocho sisters. (Y/N) have been watching their behaviour and soo far from his point of view this is what he saw...
The older one which is Kanae seems to be a kind girl with an easygoing personality. She is also quite optimistic and being enthusiastic.
The younger Kocho on other hand which is Shinobu is still a mystery. She still feeling shy around (Y/N). She can only look (Y/N) in the eyes for a few seconds before averting her eyes away.
(Y/N) just like his father didn't mind Shinobu's behaviour because he knew it takes patience for someone like Shinobu to warm up to people they just met. He believe she will come around eventually.
Right now, (Y/N) is talking with Kanae while Shinobu is behind her probably still shy. Kanae is asking a lot of questions about (Y/N) himself since she didn't know a lot about him and only knew about his father, Sasuke only.
"Soo (Y/N), you said that Uncle Sasuke has begin training you right? Training you in what exactly?" asked Kanae. "Training me in fighting styles and techniques" replied (Y/N).
"But why? Are you interested in joining the defence force like the military?". (Y/N) paused a bit when Kanae asked him that question.
Sasuke has told (Y/N) that normal human in society didn't know the existence of The Demon Slayer Corps because the organization is completely unrecognized by the government.
The humans also didn't know about the existence of demons. They probably considered that demons was just a myth. The one who managed to encouter demons are usually killed and eaten.
The humans didn't even know about the Uchiha having the Sharingan bloodline. They thought the Uchiha clan was just a noble clan that have existed since generations before. The only humans that knows about the Sharingan are the ones in the the Demon Slayers corps.
(Y/N) then carefully chose his next words and answered Kanae questions, "No, No, it was actually not. You know since I'm an Uchiha, it's in our clan tradition to teach every member fighting styles since young."
"We usually started our training when we reach 10 years old. I however started training early since I'm the one who wanted to start early." continued (Y/N).
Kanae was listening in interest while Shinobu just listen their conversation behind Kanae's back.
Kanae then asked (Y/N) another question regarding (Y/N)'s training," Hey (Y/N) you started your training early because you wanted yourself right? Is there any particular reasons?".
(Y/N) just smiled hearing Kanae's questions. (Y/N) then answered calmly, "I just wanted to start early because i need to gain strength faster so I can protect others who couldn't protect themselves".
"Why not by joining the law enforcement like the police? You have the perfect reasons to become one of them." said Kanae.
"Kanae, you don't have to join the defence system just to help others you know. We don't need reason to help others in need. In the end, it's all on ourselves whether we wanted to do it or not."
"Believe me when i say there are actually others who protect the people in the dark without the society knowing who they are." (Y/N) let that one slip on purpose. He was referring to the Demon Slayer Corps.
Kanae just looked in admiration while Shinobu just listened in awe. For someone who is soo young, (Y/N) is actually very wise.
Sasuke always thought that (Y/N) inherited this from his brother, Itachi. Even if they both never met each other, they seems to have familiar traits with each other.
"How about you two? Do you guys have any dreams or goals you wanted to achieve?" Asked (Y/N) towards both of the Kocho sisters.
"huh, I honestly still haven't thought about anything yet. All I wanted is just to live with all of my family in peace" Kanae told (Y/N) feeling a bit embarrassed.
Shinobu is still silent, she's still feeling shy around (Y/N). She knew it was a bit rude not answering others people question soo she finally decided talk to (Y/N).
"I-I a-am actually interested in l-learning medicals s-soo I can t-take care other people's h-health. " answered Shinobu in stutter.
"That's actually very admirable Shinobu, I'm sure you're gonna be the best medical expertise and save many people's lives." (Y/N) told Shinobu in admiration. Shinobu blushes hearing (Y/N)'s compliment and hide herself behind Kanae.
The three of them continue to hang out with each other for the rest of the evening until their parents finally finished their meeting.
When the adults come out, they went to the backyard since they heard noises.
When they arrived, they smiled seeing the kids bonding with each other. They even see that Shinobu is starting to warm up towards (Y/N) because she seems to try talking to him but she's still feeling shy.
Since it was still evening, Akio and Sanae invited both of the Uchiha to stay for some tea and light snacks in the evening.
Sasuke just declined politely saying they need to return to their home before the moon rises. The truth is, Sasuke don't want to take a risk travelling at night with (Y/N) around since demons becomes active at night.
There are few times when Sasuke returns from his work trip at night, He was attacked by demons. But the demons that attack Sasuke were considered unlucky since they choose the wrong prey and Sasuke just took care of them easily.
But with (Y/N) around, he didn't dare to take any risk. Sure, (Y/N) already started his training but he only started with the basics. (Y/N) only learned about battle strategies and setting traps but he still didn't not learn any fighting techniques.
Right now they were at the front gate of the Kocho's family house. All of the Kocho were present to watch after both Sasuke and (Y/N) before they leave.
"Thank you both of you for coming this far to our home. Too bad you can't stay longer for some tea." said Akio towards them.
"Sorry about that Akio, we really need to reach home before dark. Maybe next time." Sasuke told Akio. Sanae then called Sasuke, "Hey Sasuke, when you reach home, tell Akame that i say hi okay". Sasuke just nodded
Kanae then waved towards both of them, "goodbye uncle Sasuke have a nice trip, Also goodbye (Y/N). I really hope we can meet again". (Y/N) just smiled and waved back saying his goodbye.
It seems like Shinobu also wanted to say her goodbye, she doing her best to not stutter. "G-goodbye (Y/N) and uncle Sasuke" Shinobu waved her hand a bit. (Y/N) just smiled and thought she was cute and waved back to her while Sasuke just smile and nodded.
Sanae then teased both of her daughters, "ara~ ara~, what's this? With a little amount of time you three are already quite close to each other. I wonder what would happen if you three spend more time with each other".
Kanae ignored her mother teasing while Shinobu feel her face heat up. (Y/N) on other hand doesn't feel bothered at all since he knew aunt Sanae was just teasing. Or did she?
Then, both of the Uchiha started walking taking their leaves while The Kocho family watched seeing their figure getting farther and smaller. Then Akio shut the front gate and all of them return to the house.

The Pure Who Embraced Hatred
Fanfiction"He accepted hate in the place of love, Disgrace in the place of honour. A burden where a normal human can lose their mind but not him..." -Kagaya Ubayashiki- "Tell me where should i go? To the left where nothing is right or to the right where noth...