~ Chapter 31 ~ (Tsukuyomi)

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Kanae and Shinobu stood like a statue with wide eyes unable to move. They can't believe that all this time, (Y/N) has always been in front of them all this time.

(Y/N) didn't show any reaction at all. He already expected the day would come where his true identity would be revealed to the sisters. It was an inevitable outcome.

"Oh~, What's this? The two of you seems to have some history with him after all" Doma said watching how Kanae and Shinobu still looking shocked at (Y/N).

(Y/N) averted his attention to the demon in front of him. There still a bigger threat than between him and the Kocho sisters. "Oh my~, look at the time. It seems like the dawn is approaching" Doma said.

He then instantly flee away with his speed and begone from their sight. The sisters starting to recover little by little from their shock before Shinobu started to glare at (Y/N) while Kanae with a frown on her face.

(Y/N) didn't avert his attention to them since he still watching the spot Doma just left recently. However, he can feel that their gazes are on him now.

(Y/N) just sighed to himself before he started to walk away from them. But before he could get far, Shinobu instantly jumped in front of him while Kanae just stood at his back cornering him.

"Where do you think you are going exactly?!!" Shinobu asked. "I'm just wandering away as I always do" (Y/N) replied calmly.

"You think you can just walk away after we know who you really are?!!" Shinobu asked with the hint of anger in her voice. "I'm not interested in any of your problems with me right now" (Y/N) said still being calm.

"Even soo, we will capture and take you to the headquarters. Oyakata-sama will decide your fate" Kanae said. "Nee-san right (Y/N), surrender quietly and come with us" Shinobu said.

"No..." (Y/N) told them making his point that he will not follow them. "Then we will take you by force!" Shinobu said in a stance.

"And how exactly? Your sister's blade is already broken to pieces, do you think you stand a chance against me alone?" (Y/N) said in an uninterested tone.

Shinobu glared with full hatred at the guy in front of her right now. He's looking down at her! Shinobu took out her blade before instantly dashing at him.

She intended to stab him with poison that would make him paralysed making it easier to drag him. (Y/N) however just stood watching her getting closer. He didn't not bring out his blade.

(Y/N) waited for the perfect timing before he side step to the side making Shinobu miss her target and grab her wrist tightly. Shinobu tried to release her hand but (Y/N) had a strong grip holding her in her place.

"Shinobu!" Kanae said in concern. She then also rushed at (Y/N). She may not have her weapon but she will not just stand around watching her younger sister getting caught facing a threat alone.

Kanae then closed her hand turning it into a fist and try to land it on (Y/N). She didn't have any martial arts skills but it's the least she can do right now.

(Y/N) however just like before waited before catching Kanae at the wrist stopping her in her track. Now both of them are being holded by (Y/N) who is holding tightly.

"You both... Are weak!" (Y/N) said coldly towards them. Both of them glared at him. The air is soo tense right now that it's unusual to saw Kanae glaring at others. Usually, she's the one who is the most optimistic.

"You want to know why?" (Y/N) said looking both of the sisters in the eyes.

"Because you don't have enough hatred..."

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