It's already dark with the stars and moon shining in the sky with the cold winds of the night. Shinobu is preparing to leave the Butterfly Estate as Oyakata-sama has summoned her to the Ubuyashiki's Manor.
"Stay safe Shinobu!..." Kanae said from behind. Shinobu turned around and faced her sister. "It's okay Nee-san, I'll be fine. The crow told me that it's not a mission. Rather, it has to do with my research work." Shinobu reassured.
"But still... I can come if you wanted..." Kanae said with worry inside her voice. Both of them have been doing missions together for the past few years. Ever since she begged Oyakata-sama to let them do it together.
Kanae can still remember when 'Itachi' who they still don't know that it was (Y/N) saved Shinobu. After (Y/N) told her about Shinobu's near demise from a demon in her night patrol, Kanae is always worried when Shinobu goes alone incase of anything that had to do with the demon slayers corps.
Shinobu can see her sister worried face before she smiled at her, "Nee-san, I'm going to be alright. You don't have to come. You need a rest, I know that you're actually tired after the pillars training soo you don't have to push yourself." Shinobu told Kanae.
Kanae didn't say anything as she looked down. She knows that she should trust Shinobu. She just don't want to lose anyone precious anymore.
When both of them learned about 'his' death and the truth of him, Kanae was depressed for days. She locked herself in her room for few days straight.
She wouldn't eat when she locked herself. However, Shinobu wouldn't have any of it. She forced Kanae to eat in front of her as she scolded her to take care of her body properly.
Shinobu is also having a difficult times herself after the truth is spilled. Her mind couldn't find any peace for days as she is filled with guilty and sorrow.
However, she made up her minds that she needs to go forward for (Y/N). Crying wouldn't change anything that happened. Shinobu is also the one who breaks Kanae from her depression.
She told Kanae that this is not why (Y/N) sacrificed himself just for them to mourn for him in such a pitiful way. Both of them shared the same goal right now. They will avenge for (Y/N) by helping the slayers defeating Muzan once and for all.
They blamed Muzan for what happened to their parents and (Y/N) himself. They also blamed themselves for not realising and too quick to judge on (Y/N). They are still feeling guilty inside themselves for how they have treated him for years without knowing that he actually cared for them.
Back to before, Shinobu put on her footwears before she walked away. Shinobu glanced at her sister from the gates as she saw Kanae still looking at her worriedly.
Shinobu just smiled at her sister and waves at Kanae. Kanae slightly smiled and waved back. Shinobu then walked away as she set her direction to the Ubuyashiki's manor.
~At Ubayashiki's Manor~
Shinobu arrived at the building as she entered the gates. She put aside her footwears before she entered the room where the Hashiras usually wait before meeting.
She saw that she was not alone, instead there's four other in the room already. There's Oyakata-sama's wife, Amane Ubuyashiki and two of the Ubayashiki's children beside her. There's also a woman sitting in front of Amane facing her with a neutral face.
"Forgive me for being late, I just have some patients to deal with recently at the Butterfly Estate." Shinobu said while bowing to Amane.
"No, it's fine. Please sit down Shinobu" Amane said. Shinobu nodded at her before she sit in front of Amane and slightly beside the mysterious woman.

The Pure Who Embraced Hatred
Fanfiction"He accepted hate in the place of love, Disgrace in the place of honour. A burden where a normal human can lose their mind but not him..." -Kagaya Ubayashiki- "Tell me where should i go? To the left where nothing is right or to the right where noth...