Kanao run in full speed on top of the roofs as she tries to find a Kakushi that would carrying the supplies. She don't have time to waste anymore and need to deliver some medical supplies to Shinobu.
A way for her to redeem herself for her own mistake. After she saw everything about her step-sisters past and how (Y/N) is actually innocent from the start, she want to make things right.
After a moment, she finally could see a few Kakushi carrying a backpack. Kanao immediately jumped down straight in front of them, "Wait!" she called for them.
"AHHHH!" One of the female kakushi screamed in shock since Kanao landed in front of her. The group of Kakushi were also startled by this as they jumped from their spot in shock since Kanao just suddenly appeared out of nowhere.
"Ah! Sorry but I'm in a hurry. Do you guys have some medical kits?" Kanao apologised before getting straight to the point. The Kakushi immediately recognised Kanao and brushed it off.
"No, no, it's fine master Kanao. Did you ask for some medical kits?" the female Kakushi asked again for confirmation. Kanao just nodded in response.
The female kakushi then look at another Kakushi who's carrying a backpack. "Do you still carry some medical kits?" the female Kakushi asked. "Yes! There's still few of it left." the backpack kakushi said.
The female kakushi nodded before she walk behinds the other kakushi and open the backpack. She begin searching until she finally found few med kits.
The female Kakushi took one out and hand it to Kanao. "Thank you! I need to go now." Kanao said in gratitude before she immediately run back towards the direction where she came from before...
~With Kanae and Shinobu~
"(Y/N)... If y-you can h-hear me... Please come back to us... P-please come back to m-me..." Kanae slowly whispered into (Y/N)'s ears. She doesn't know if he can still hear her or not.
Kanae continue to hold him close to her, hoping that he will give some sort of response. "Nee-san, Lay him on the ground, now!" Shinobu told Kanae.
Kanae nodded and gently put (Y/N) on the ground. Shinobu lower herself by sitting on her knees beside (Y/N)'s left side. "His heart might stopped, but it's still not over since it's very recent that it's happened. There's still a chance."
'I need to make his heart beat again!' Shinobu thought to herself as she put both of her hands on top of his left chest, precisely on where his heart would be.
Without wasting any time, Shinobu begin chest compression on (Y/N). She starts pushing (Y/N)'s chest, trying to make his pulse return. '(Y/N)... Please don't give up on me now...' Shinobu thought.
Kanae watch from the side with her face filled with worry while feeling hopeful. 'Is this going to work?' she thought while looking at Shinobu who is trying her best right now.
Kanae immediately shook her head after she thought of that. 'NO! This will work. It's definitely going to work. I should trust Shinobu right now and hope for the best.' Kanae told herself in her mind.
Shinobu keep compressing (Y/N)'s chest, but she still couldn't get any response from him. Not a breath or a single pulse at all. But she didn't falter as she continue to push herself.
Kanae continue to watch as she begin to see Shinobu sweating herself. After a few minutes later, She begin to hear Shinobu begin to gasping for her own breath.
'She's definitely getting tired...' Kanae thought as she is getting worry for her sister. Then, she have an idea. "Shinobu, I know you are getting tired. Let me continue after you, right now." Kanae suggested.

The Pure Who Embraced Hatred
Fanfiction"He accepted hate in the place of love, Disgrace in the place of honour. A burden where a normal human can lose their mind but not him..." -Kagaya Ubayashiki- "Tell me where should i go? To the left where nothing is right or to the right where noth...