It is already midnight right now. The clock is ticking at 12:30am right now. Itachi is inside his inn sitting on the bed. He decided it's time to go out. Itachi stand up and began walking at the window in his room.
Itachi opened up before jumping out of the window. He closed the window slowly and walked away. He decided to do some investigation from the story the owner of the inn told him recently.
Itachi exited the town and started to look for houses that located near outside of the town. Soo far, there's definitely a few houses he saw. Each houses were separated apart from each other quite far.
For example, few houses would be the south direction of the town while the other would be at the north. There's also on east and west too. That's how far each houses are.
But the thing that disturbed Itachi is the fact there's only people on the south and east. The west and the north are only left with the houses without the people.
Right now he needs to pinpoint the next attack would which is either east or south. Itachi decided he would take the east side. Itachi began whistling in the air before a crow came and latched itself on Itachi's shoulder.
"I want you to go spectate the houses on the south. If anything happens, quickly find me on the east. I'll be waiting there" Itachi told the crow. The crow just nodded before flying away.
Itachi then walk to the east side before jumping on the tree. He watched the people in the houses enjoying their lives and spending their times with each of their own family.
But their happiness would always have a chance to be ruined by the demons. Demons with their gluttony by feasting on the humans without any care or mercy. Such a beautiful world with cruel reality for the humans.
Itachi stood on the branch silently for one hour without any sign of any demons. He just continue to wait before he heard a crow making a loud noise in the sky.
Itachi jumped from the tree and landed on the ground. The crow saw Itachi and latched on Itachi's shoulder. The crow with his head signalled it's head at the south direction.
Itachi understood and nodded before quickly going to south. During on the run, he saw a little girl running away in fear. Itachi jumped in front of the girl. The girl is shocked and falled back on her hips.
The girl covered from her shock and regained her compusure before pleading in front Itachi, "Please sir, you gotta help us! There's a monster! My friends are distracting the monster right now and told me to get help. Please you have to save them! My parents tried to stop it b-but they w-were killed..."
The girl started to cry. Itachi frowned to himself, if only he was at the South instead of the east, then he probably could stop the demon and the girl would not lose his parents.
But he did not have time to waste, Itachi crouched in front of the girl and try comforting her, "Listen, I'm going to find your friends. For the meantime, I want you to hide right now until I come back okay?" Itachi said.
The girl sniffles before nodding. "Be careful sir, the m-monster is v-very scary" the girl told him in frightened manners. Itachi just nodded but before he leaves he stopped himself.
"Wait! Before you go, here take my crow. The crow will be your company" Itachi said before the crow on his shoulder fly off from him and landed on the ground in front of her.
The girl is mesmerised by the crow and offered her hand. The crow gently climbed on her hand and walked to her shoulder. the girl just giggled by the action. Itachi then told the girl to hide now which the girl just nodded before she left.
Itachi then sprint towards the houses on the south. When he arrived,Itachi entered one of the house,the place look quite messed. Itachi then begin looking around to investigate soo he can track the demon.
"GO AWAY! LEAVE US ALONE" Itachi heard someone screaming. Itachi immediately went toward the source of the voice. It's coming from another house.
Itachi entered the house and founded the source of the voice. It's from the bathroom of the house. There's also the demon who is scratching the door of the bathroom.
The voice is muffled but he still heard the terrified screaming inside the bathroom. The demon is also unaware about Itachi's presence and continue try breaking down the door.
"Hehe it's futile, the door will break eventually. Come on out already! It's okay, I will give the two of you a painless death before eating the two of you just like your parents hehehe" the demon said still unaware someone behind him.
Itachi narrowed his eyes when he heard this. Itachi silently pulled out his blade and dashed towards the demon.
The demon who is still breaking down the door suddenly can't feel his body anymore. He also realised that his head feels like it's falling onto the ground.
The demon's head rolled on the ground. Then the demon finally saw Itachi, "Y-You! How dare you inter--" the demon couldn't finish his sentence as he already faded away.
Itachi just sighed before he approached the bathroom. Itachi then knocked gently. "You can open up now, the demon is no more" Itachi said.
However the door is still not open. Itachi know whoever are in there, they still don't trust him just yet. It can't be helped. "You don't have to afraid, I found a girl earlier saying she needs help and her friends is distracting the monster. I am here to help" Itachi said calmly.
"Naho! Kiyo did it! She brought help!" Itachi heard from the inside. "Are you sure Sumi? What if he is lying?" he heard another voice. "We can trust him, he did said that the demon is no more".
"Okay... If you say so" then the door opened. Itachi then saw two girls inside. The girls are feeling intimidated right now with how Itachi looks. Itachi realised this since he saw fear on their eyes.
Itachi then backed away a little giving the girls some space. Then the girls came out from the bathroom while still eyeing at him in fear. Itachi then turned around before signalling them to follow.
The two of them just followed him since they have no one else to follow. Itachi then walked back to the spot where he bumped the first girl he found.
Then he whistled before hearing a noise in the bush. Itachi went to the bush before he found his crow. Then he also saw the girl who is hiding in the bush.
The girl came out before she heard others calling her, "Kiyo! You're alright" she heard. The girl who is called Kiyo turned around and her face is filled with relief.
"Naho! Sumi! Both of you are fine!" Kiyo said feeling joyed. The three of them ran towards each other before hugging.
Itachi just watched the scene with his crow on his shoulder. The three girls released each other before facing him. "Thank you soo much sir, You saved my friends" Kiyo said in gratitude.
"You don't have to thank me. I do not deserve your gratitude. I couldn't save your parents" Itachi said regretfully. If only he came earlier then the three of them would still be living with their mother and father.
Naho, Sumi and Kiyo looked down in sadness. Sumi and Kiyo can feel tears falling down on their faces while Naho try her best to hold back.
Itachi just let them be for awhile, the pain of losing someone you loved is very painful. He knew how the three of them is feeling right now since he used to feel the same pain 5 years ago when he was 10....

The Pure Who Embraced Hatred
Fanfiction"He accepted hate in the place of love, Disgrace in the place of honour. A burden where a normal human can lose their mind but not him..." -Kagaya Ubayashiki- "Tell me where should i go? To the left where nothing is right or to the right where noth...