Kanae, Shinobu and the stranger, Itachi walk out from the restaurant. "Thank you for coming..." the three of them heard the waiter said. Itachi also started to depart away from the two of them.
Kanae and Shinobu then explored the town with each other. While at it, Shinobu asked her sister, "Nee-san! That stranger earlier, Itachi... Don't you feel anything weird about him."
"What do you mean Shinobu?" Kanae said while smiling. Kanae just stared at her sister in deadpan. "Don't you feel weird with how he looks. It was as if he wanted to hide himself" Shinobu said.
"Well we can't blame him, not everyone like to show themselves in the public" Kanae said to her sister being optimistic as ever. Shinobu feels like she want to hit her own head on the wall nearby.
Shinobu just sighed and just followed her sister around the town. The town are filled with a lot types of shops. Both of the sisters check out few of the stores like accessories and gift shop. There's soo many things to see.
But in the end, they didn't buy anything and decided to return home. Kanae and Shinobu just walked home slowly. But it was interrupted when something caught both of the sisters attention.
There's a bald man walking with a rope in his left hand. He is walking while dragging someone with the rope. The rope is leading to a little girl in the back being dragged by the man.
The girl looks very dirty and unhygienic. From the looks of it, she's probably that man's slave. Such a cruel fate for a young innocent child.
But that's not the worst part. The worst part is her eyes. Her eyes is devoid of any emotions. It was as if there is only a body but without a soul.
What could she gone through that makes her into what she is right now? What torture had she been given in the past that managed to break her mentally?
This all went through both of Kanae's and Shinobu's mind. Kanae then approched the man before calling him, "Excuse me, do you have a minute?"
The man heard and turn around facing them. Kanae then continue, "Could you tell us why that child is all tied up?" asked Kanae. "Is she a criminal perhaps?"
"Isn't it obvious? She's flea-ridden and her face is dirty. Not to mention, she might try to escape" the man told told the sisters.
Kanae then went closer to the little girl before crouching herself, "Hello there, nice to meet you. My name is Kanae Kocho" Kanae told the girl in kindly manner. "What's your name?"
The girl however just stare into Kanae. Kanae just blinked before the man interrupted, "She's got no name alright? Her parents never gave her one. Happy now? Get away from her!" the man said in irritation.
The man try to push Kanae away with his right hand but Shinobu slapped the hand away. This gained a few crowds attentions near them. "Please don't touch my sister" Shinobu said sternly.
The man is getting angry right now, "What's your problem, you two? If you wanna talk to this kid, pay up!" the man said to both of them.
There was a silent for a moment before Shinobu start to reaching to her pocket, "All right then, we'll purchase her...would this be enough?"
Before the man could say anything, Shinobu threw the money in the air making the man feel shocked at the moment. While the man is distracted, Shinobu took this chance to snatch the rope from the man.
Then they started to run away from the scene. "Hey! Come back here, dammit!" the man said. But Shinobu just smirked, "I'd pick up the money right now if I were you... After all, there's a crowd right there and the wind is strong today" Shinobu said.

The Pure Who Embraced Hatred
Fanfiction"He accepted hate in the place of love, Disgrace in the place of honour. A burden where a normal human can lose their mind but not him..." -Kagaya Ubayashiki- "Tell me where should i go? To the left where nothing is right or to the right where noth...