~ Chapter 59 ~ (Sacrifice)

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(Y/N) eyes become wide as he can feel the sharp pain in his abdomen. (Y/N) begin coughing up blood from the internal injury...

The susanoo begin to deteriorate as it begin to lose it's armor. 'It's working...' Kokushibou thought. The susanoo slowly begin to lose it's flesh until it was reduced into a skeleton form.

(Y/N) is slowly losing his vision and control over the susanoo. His vision is getting darker and his body is getting weaker. He is losing blood right now as a pool of blood appeared behind him.

Doma appeared in thin air next to Kokushibou. "Well done Kokushibou, you actually did it. The giant thing is slowly going down. It's over for him. Why not you and Akaza went to that man (Muzan) to give our report while I take the girls to my cults hideout. All his struggle for the sake of keeping this two safe is useless in the end, don't you think hehe~?" Doma laughed by himself.

Kokushibou however didn't answered and ignored what his fellow demon just said. Then, both of the demon heard something rumbling from underground.

"That's probably just Akaza. I knew he'll be fine" Doma said. The deephole from where Akaza was sent before is destroyed before Akaza jumped out from the hole.

Akaza begin looking around in wonder because he saw the giant spectral warrior is slowly diminishing.

Then, his eyes finally saw Kokushibou and Doma at distance. He then also saw someone on the ground covered with a pool of blood with a sword stabbed on his abdomen.

Akaza saw that it was the son of Sasuke Uchiha. Soo it's finally over after all...

Meanwhile, (Y/N) vision begin to deteriorate with every seconds passes. He heard what the upper moon two demon just said.

He can't stop now, he needs to stall until the reinforcement arrive or Kanae and Shinobu will be in grave danger. A thought ran through (Y/N)'s mind as he remember something. Something that he promised to someone in the past.

'(Y/N)... Just promise me this.... That you'll take care of Kanae and Shinobu..'

(Y/N) can heard the voice clearly inside his head. The promise he made that night. He could never forgot what happened the night he left Kanae and Shinobu.

(Y/N) slowly begin to control his breath. He's gasping for air right now while fighting to stay conscious which is slipping away from him.

Kokushibou, Doma and Akaza heard (Y/N) struggles as he continue to gasp for air. "Oh ho, such a fighter. You don't know when to give up don't you? You clearly don't have any chance right now" Doma said while laughing at the Uchiha who continue gasping for breath.

'It's up to me now...'

'I can't... Give up... No...'

(Y/N) thought by himself as he put all he's got left into both of his eyes. His eyes begin to transform into the mangekyo sharingan for one last time.

The susanoo suddenly stopped to vanish before it begin to reform itself into it's full glory like before. The three upper moons demons are shocked right now.

The three of them didn't know how (Y/N) still has strength to pull this off. He clearly is dying right now with how pale he is becoming due to the blood loss.

The susanoo roared in the air before it slammed it's own blade towards Akaza and Doma and it landed as both of them are sent flying before crashing into trees.

The susanoo then looked at Kokushibou on the ground. The susanoo raised the shield in it's left arm intending to slam at Kokushibou.

Kokushibou then try to pull his sword out of (Y/N)'s gut. But it didn't budge, he looked at (Y/N) and his eyes went wide. (Y/N) is firmly holding Kokushibou's sword with his hands.

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