"He accepted hate in the place of love, Disgrace in the place of honour. A burden where a normal human can lose their mind but not him..."
-Kagaya Ubayashiki-
"Tell me where should i go? To the left where nothing is right or to the right where noth...
Sasuke is currently walking in a town with his son, (Y/N). They are heading towards the Kocho's family house. It was evening currently around 5:45PM.
His plan was to drop by (Y/N) at them since he need to go to a location of his work's meeting point which is further beyond after passing the Kocho's home.
Usually, he just left (Y/N) at the Uchiha Estate with his mother since it was far but today, Akame is also not around and he doesn't want to leave (Y/N) alone soo that's why he decided to drop him with the Kocho.
Sasuke received a letter last month saying that a new noble family want to establish diplomatics relations with the Uchiha.
However the location they gave for him are very suspicious since it was quite isolated from the view of the map. They also requested to set up the time for their meeting during the sun has fallen.
Sasuke has a feeling this was a trap but he decided to investigate. At the past, there's one time Sasuke walked into a trap like this. He received a fake letter saying that they want to establish a relationship with the Uchiha and invited to meet him at some random location.
But later when he arrived, Sasuke found out it was a group of high-ranking criminals that send him the letter and they ambushed him.
Their plan was to abduct him and make him as hostage. Then they will ask for ransom towards the Uchiha Estate for the sake of their chief safety.
But then again like the demons, they chose a wrong person to mess with. Sasuke let himself being taken as hostage soo they will take him to their headquarter.
After that, he released himself and beat all of them shortly. Then, he just tied them up and drag them towards nearby police station.
The cops wondered how Sasuke managed to beat up a bunch of high ranking criminals by himself but decided not to ask him since he already make their jobs easier.
Right now, Sasuke with his son have arrived at the Kocho's family house. Like always, Sasuke knocked the front gate loudly and wait for a bit before Akio come and greeted them.
"Hello Sasuke, what are you doing here with (Y/N)? It's starting to get dark you know." asked Akio.
"Akio, sorry to disturb you and your family but could you take care of (Y/N) tonight? I need to do some work right now at other place".
"Of course! (Y/N) is always welcomed here anytime. He's already like a family to us" Akio said while grinning.
Sasuke than thanked Akio and told (Y/N) that he will pick him up later at night. (Y/N) just nodded and then entered the house.
Sasuke then left while Akio shut the front gate. Right now, he just have to get to the meeting point.
~2 hours later~
Sasuke finally arrives, the location has brought him to a mountain. It is filled with snow while the air is cold. In front of him stood a castle.
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