Today at the town around noon, it seems more busy than usual. We can see that many people are busy doing some preparation because tonight, the summer festival will begin.
Some of them were hanging lanterns in the streets, some were building a stalls for them to open a shop for tonight. All of them seems to have their own part for tonight.
While others are busy, there are 3 people walking in the streets watching the people. They seems to be just a normal family. It was just (Y/N) with both of his parents Akame and Sasuke.
The three of them have been walking for 2 hours straight to get to this town. Well (Y/N) and Sasuke are already used to travelling this far. Akame even though she haven't travelled this far for a long time, she seems fine.
Currently they just need walk a little bit more to reach towards the Kocho's family house which is just near outside of the town. After a few more minutes of walking, finally they arrived near the front gate of the house.
Like usually, Sasuke just knocked the front gate loudly. A few seconds later, Akio came and greeted all of them then opened the gate to let them in.
Akio smiled when he saw Akame, he want to see how Sanae would react towards both of their reunion. Right now they just put their footwear away and entered the house.
"Huh, it seems like your house is still the same like last time Akio." Said Akame. "Of course, me and Sanae likes to keep things simple." replied Akio.
"Speaking of Sanae, where is she?" asked Akame. She is feeling excited to meet her. "Owh she's at the living room, she's been waiting for you for soo long" Akio told Akame.
Akame just went straight to living room since she already knew the way around this house. Sasuke and (Y/N) was about to follow before being stopped by Akio.
"Let them be for awhile, I want to see how this goes" Sasuke just smiled while (Y/N) nodded in understanding. Akame finally entered to the living room but there was no one around.
"Sanae?". Akame can't find Sanae anywhere around the room. Suddenly Akame feel something wrapping around her body very tight. She saw that a pair of arms holding her.
Akame just smiled knowing who is hugging her right now, "Long time no see.... Sanae". Sanae grinned and hugged even harder, "yeah long time no see.... Akame, I believe we have a lot of things to catch up with each other hehe~".
The door of the living room is slightly open, three pairs of eyes is watching both them. It was just Akio with Sasuke and (Y/N).
Both Sasuke and Akio smiled seeing both of their wife's reunion in content . (Y/N) was also feeling happy seeing his mother with aunt Sanae but at the same time feeling a bit discomfort.
Watching how Aunt Sanae holding his mother very tight, he can imagine how much force in those grip. It's not like (Y/N) doesn't like hugs but when he is being hug very tightly, even he can feel a bit suffocated.
The three of them continues to watch while Akame with Sanae are catching up with each other for awhile before 2 new figures arrives and wondered what the males are doing.
"Umm father, what are you doing with Uncle Sasuke and (Y/N)?" asked Kanae while Shinobu just looked in wonder.
Akio slightly jumped feeling a bit shocked not hearing both of his daughters coming while Sasuke and (Y/N) didn't react much since both of them already sensed Kanae and Shinobu arrivals.
Akio recovered from his shock and answer both of his daughters, "nothing, we were just watching your mother reunited with her old friend which is (Y/N)'s mother".
"But why are you watching behind their backs father?" asked Shinobu.
"Owh it was nothing Shinobu, I with Uncle Sasuke and (Y/N) just wanted to give them space".Suddenly they heard Sanae called them, "Hey all of you outside there, are you just gonna stand there all day watching?". Then all of them entered and saw that Akame with Sanae are already seating near the Chabudai.
Akame just watched all of them enter before seeing 2 new faces she never saw before, "Hey Sanae, is those 2 your daughters you told me recently?" asked Akame.
"Owh yes, here let me introduce you to both of my daughters. The older one here is Kanae, she's 8 years old."
Introduced Sanae. Kanae then greeted Akame in manners. "Hello, I'm Kanae, nice to meet you, I heard that you are (Y/N)'s mother.""You are right Kanae, nice to meet you too.I see that your the same age as (Y/N). I have a feeling when you grow older, you'll be very attractive" Akame complimented Kanae.
Sanae then continue to introduce Akame to her younger daughter, "the younger one here is Shinobu, she's just one year younger than Kanae which make her 7 years old".
Shinobu like always is feeling shy around people she newly met. But it's not like last year when she first met (Y/N) or even few years back when she met Sasuke for the first time.
As she grew older, her shyness is become more less around new people. Soo in the end, it is estimated that she will loose her shyness in few more years.
Right now, Shinobu just greeted Akame back with a bit stutter, "H-Hi, I'm Shinobu, it n-nice to meet you".
Akame smiled watching Shinobu behaviour and greeted back, "Your cute Shinobu, it's nice to meet you too. You don't have to be shy around me, it's okay". Shinobu blushed when Akame called her cute.
Akame then continued, "I heard that both of you called my husband Uncle Sasuke right? Sooo you can just call me Aunt Akame." Akame told both of the Kocho sisters which both of them just nodded.
Akio then asked the Uchiha family, "hey, since right now is still noon, have you three eaten lunch yet?". "No we all didn't not yet, we just only ate breakfast before arriving here." Said Akame.
"Perfect, that means you could join us for lunch. Wait here I'll prepare something for all of us. " Said Sanae. "Wait, I'll join you in the kitchen." Akame told Sanae. Then both of them left to the kitchen.
Now that the wifes are preparing lunch, Akio then informed Sasuke, "Hey Sasuke, since you all are staying here for a night, I prepared two rooms for your family. One is for both of you and Akame, the other is for (Y/N). Follow me, I'll lead to your room."
Sasuke then thanked Akio and followed with (Y/N) behind. The Kocho sisters also follow them since they both don't have anything to do.
When they arrived at the room, they saw that room was quite big. It was also tidy and there are two folded mattress at the corner of the room. "Sorry (Y/N) but this is your parents room. Your room is at the next door."
Akio then showed (Y/N) to his room. The room was a bit small compared to his parents room. There's also one folded mattress at the corner of the room. "Sorry if the room is a bit small" apologised Akio to (Y/N).
(Y/N) just brushed it off saying it's fine and told that he doesn't mind at all. (Y/N) was already feeling very grateful with the hospitality the Kocho family gave to his family.
Now all has to do is put his bag away filled with his stuff like spare clothes. (Y/N) with his family just brought along 2 bags filled with their clothes. One bag which is bigger filled with his parents clothes and stuff, the other which is smaller is his own only.
After 15 minutes later, Sanae went to find them, "Hey all of you, lunch is ready". They all then went to the dining table and saw Akame arranging food on the table.
They all then sit on the table and enjoyed the food. They all eat their lunch together chatting and enjoyed each other company. Now they just have to wait for the night to come before the summer festival could begin.

The Pure Who Embraced Hatred
Fanfiction"He accepted hate in the place of love, Disgrace in the place of honour. A burden where a normal human can lose their mind but not him..." -Kagaya Ubayashiki- "Tell me where should i go? To the left where nothing is right or to the right where noth...