A young Kagaya Ubayashiki can be seen standing in front of someone who is kneeling in front of him. Kagaya had a troubled look on his face.
"Please! They don't need to know the truth behind their parents death! They couldn't bear it if they know what actually happened" The person said while kneeling in front of Kagaya.
"But (Y/N)! How do you know that they can't handle the cold hard truth if they never heard about it yet? Surely, you know that you can't keep this from them. They deserve to know the real story of their parents death." Kagaya told the person who is (Y/N).
"I... Just couldn't... I couldn't bear to see their reactions when knowing the truth. The reason this 'accident' happened is because of me" (Y/N) said with guilt in his voice.
"Then, why not I tell them the truth? I know it will be painful for them to learn about it, but I believe they can endure it" Kagaya offered.
"NO! I beg you to not reveal the truth to them. They don't have to know. Please! This is all I could ask for" (Y/N) begged to Kagaya.
Kagaya looked at (Y/N) while slightly frowning. "(Y/N)... You do realise that if no one know the truth, then you will be labelled as a criminal. The people would think that your a murderer that killed both of the Kocho's parents in cold blood without any reasoning." Kagaya told (Y/N).
"I know the consequences behind my actions, and I'm prepared to face it. Please Kagaya... Promise me that you'll never tell them anything about their parents and keep them safe. I'll do anything you ask... Anything..." (Y/N) continue to plead towards Kagaya.
Kagaya is silent by himself for a moment. After a few seconds, he walked towards (Y/N) and crouched in front of him.
"(Y/N)... The path you chose is very difficult and full of anguish. You will have to face alone by yourself. However, I couldn't let you do this alone. Know this (Y/N) that you will always be welcomed in my home and you can ask me for anything. I will provide anything you need as best as I can in my power."
"I would not tell them truth. I will keep this secret safe between me and my family." Kagaya said reassuringly.
"Thank you...Thank you very much... Kagaya" (Y/N) said feeling genuinely grateful. "However..." Kagaya continues...
"You also have to promise me something (Y/N)..." Kagaya said looking at (Y/N) straight into his eyes.
"Promise me... That you will not die... If your break this promise, then I would also break my promise to you..."
~Flashback end~
Kagaya is pulled away from his thought as he finally heard his wife calling for him. "Dear? Are you alright? I have been calling you for quite a moment. Is there something bothering you?" Amane asked in concern.
"I was just thinking about (Y/N), that's all..." Kagaya said while slightly frowning by himself. Amane immediately understood her husband's thoughts right away.
Kagaya just silently lay on the mattress while in his own thought. Amane knew that Kagaya is feeling responsible for (Y/N)'s death and guilt is swelling inside him.
"What time is it now my dear?" Kagaya asked. "It's already evening around 5:30PM." Amane told Kagaya. "I see..." Kagaya said.
Kagaya then returned to his own thought. Amane just let her husband by himself while sitting beside him.
A few minutes later, Kagaya sit himself up. "Amane... Could you help me for a moment?" Kagaya asked.

The Pure Who Embraced Hatred
Fanfiction"He accepted hate in the place of love, Disgrace in the place of honour. A burden where a normal human can lose their mind but not him..." -Kagaya Ubayashiki- "Tell me where should i go? To the left where nothing is right or to the right where noth...