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chapter twenty

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chapter twenty

a shadow made its way through the Fire Nation capital stealthily in order to not get caught. the person under the black hood didn't want to be seen in this area at this time at night. people would talk, and the last thing they needed was more rumors going around.

"visiting hours are over. come back tomorrow," a guard in front of the door to the tower spoke once they heard footsteps approaching. the figure continued to walk up and the guard pushed himself off the wall, "hey! did you not hear what I said?!"

the figure raised their hand and a stream of water slapped the man in the face, causing him to hit his head against the brick wall and fall unconscious.

the figure shrugged and stepped over the guards asleep body and opened the metal doors. making sure that there were no other guards around, they quietly climbed the stairs to the tower, not stopping until they reached the top floor where the worst of the worst sat rotting in cells.

as the hooded figure walked down the hall they took down the guards with ease. they continued to walk until they reached the last cell where the former Firelord Ozai was placed.

Ozai looked up and smirked, "are you here to bust me out or kill me?"

the figure removed the hood of their cloak, revealing their long black hair and bright red eyes, "i'm here to talk"

Ozai's smirk widened and he stood up, "well what do we have here," he clutched onto the bars to his cell, "if it isn't my favorite student. I see you've found your way home, Yanmei"

"cut the crap," Yanmei snapped at him, "we both know you despise me. I bet you wish I was in that cell instead of you"

"there room for two in here"

it took everything in Yanmei not to burn him right then and there, "you're disgusting. I'm surprised Ursa stayed with you for so long, you're a monster"

Ozai laughed, "says the little mutant trained in the art of killing. tell me, has your training payed off? how many lives have you taken? did you feel the thrill of watching them beg for their life before you took it away?"

"enough!" Yanmei nearly growled, "keep talking and you'll be next on that list"

"so you have? I must say, I am proud of your growth. you've turned out just like I imagined. though we would've won the war if you had just stayed by my side"

Yanmei scoffed, "you're the one who banished me"

"a punishment was needed," his eyes scanned her body that was covered by her clothing, "you already had marks to prove your disobedience, I let you off easy"

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