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chapter fourteen

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chapter fourteen

"can we please take a break!" the dual bender groaned from the back of the shirshu. she and Haru has been traveling for three days straight with barely any rest, and there was no doubt that they were both tired and hungry. even Aala was tired. she had been carrying them all day and was starting to slow down.

"we're almost there stop whining," Haru grumbled from the front. Manami had been talking non-stop for the past hour and the earth bender was slowing going insane.

"you've been saying that for days! there's nothing here! just giant empty fields of nothing," Manami sighed as she looked at her surroundings, searching for any town where she could get some food for them. she was greeted with nothing.

"this time I know for a fact that we're close"

the girls right eye started to twitch out of aggravation, "how can you tell? by the difference in the color of the grass? or will the air start feel different?" she replied sarcastically.

Haru's frown turned into a smirk as he looked down at Aala, her nose twitching as she catches a scent. suddenly the shirshu jerks forward into a sprint, running as fast as she could to get closer.

Manami lets out a small squeal at the sudden force and clutches onto the back of Haru's jacket in order to not fall off her shirshu. distant yet close yells were heard as they drew closer and Manami moved her head to take a glimpse at her surroundings.

sure enough, a couple yards away was the sigh of buildings and crowds of people. some of the buildings looked old and worn, but others looked to be being rebuilt. dark clouds of smoke started to appear farther in the town, making Manami realize there were factories. she had only seen them in Ba Sing Se and the Fire Nation, so seeing this confused her.

"wait! Aala stop!" Haru shouted, tugging onto the shirshu's reigns to slow her down. but the animal continued to run as they started to enter the town. people shouted towards them as they quickly moved out of the way or were pushed down to the ground due to the shirshu's speed and strength.

Aala quickly turned down an alley, startling her passengers, and ran straight towards a cart across the path. Manami shouted towards her pet to stop, but the shirshu continued to run until coming to an abrupt stop in front of the cart, sending Haru and Manami nearly flying off.

"MY CABBAGES!" the owner of the cart yelled as Aala started to eat most of the food off his cart.

Manami looked up at the old man with an apologetic smile and a small laugh, "we'll take everything you've got, please"

the old man looked up at the two young adults, fuming with rage, "someone arrest these kids!" he yelled out.

Manami and Haru looked at each other in shock, then suddenly the ground began to shake and large pillars of rock surrounded them on the shirshu, blocking them from escape.

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